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  • Reply to: Research Project to Examine Spread of Tobacco Industry Strategies   14 years 5 months ago

    Hollywood may have some blame here along with tobacco industry. Think about it. How many stars are glorified on the screen with a cigarette hanging from their lips giving appearance of coolness. If hollywood made smoking less glamorous it might help lower a generation of new smokers in the future.

  • Reply to: Watching Bill Moyers   14 years 5 months ago
    Pithy comments do not truth make. As usual Moyers is long on concern and short on facts. How many times does redistribution of wealth without redistribution of opportunity have to fail - and fail miserably - until pseudo-intellectuals such as Moyers and others get that treating the poor as if they are some mentally challenged little brother to be pitied and patted on the head and given some menial and meaningless job at one Moyers & friends elitist cocktail parties - is NOT the answer. My god - when are we going to finally elect leaders who,if they have never actually owned or run a private company, have at least had a job and have some concept of economics actually works. Liberal democrats are now and have been in complete control of our major cities and most liberal states for HOW MANY YEARS NOW. How many ways can you go bankrupt and be bailed out Bill. New York, LA, Detroit, Chicago - LOL it is really a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply to: McCain De-Mavericks Himself   14 years 5 months ago

    I live here and am disgusted in this dude. I see him as an old cranky liar. Like what he said never happens in the senate when Al Franken objected to the noisy Lieberman from continuing speaking.
    Or to see in person at a town-hall how he was dead-set in his corporate protection ways against health care reform for us the constituents.
    Or the way he sided with 30 senators to allow contractors in Iraq to be protected against prosecution from a rape victim employee.
    Or how he ignores my letters exhorting how cap & trade would benefit Arizona's solar industry potential.
    It seems every month he does something embarrassing to us. Who votes for this idiot?

  • Reply to: A Tax Day Protest We Can All Get Behind   14 years 5 months ago
    There is TONS of information on how corporation and the rich DON'T pay their taxes AND shift their tax burden to everyone else. Example (from Aug. 2008): Just like the corporations they work for, multi-millionaire executives have become experts at accounting tricks to avoid paying taxes, according to a new study that builds on last month's Government Accountability Office report. The GAO said a majority of American and foreign companies doing business here pay no income tax. Now "Executive Excess 2008: How Average Taxpayers Subsidize Runaway Pay" shows how CEOs and other top executives shield huge portions of their income and stock options from tax obligations. The report was published this week by the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy. For instance, unlimited deferred compensation accounts, a perk for CEOs at large companies, add up to $80.6 million a year in lost tax revenue. The median value of top executives' deferred payments is $4.5 million, according to Equilar, a pay analysis firm. Most of the rest of us, however, are limited to a maximum of $15,500 a year we can shield in a tax-deferred 401(k) account. The authors of the report say the tax loopholes make the huge and growing gap between worker and CEO pay even bigger. They say labor law reform, specifically the Employee Free Choice Act, is critical. "Without legislative action to allow more workers the right to organize, the divide between compensation for top executives and the rest of us will only continue to grow." ANOTHER example of MANY that can be cited: 7/1/2/05 from American Progess Action Fund: TAXES -- THE RICH GET RICHER AND OFF SCOT-FREE: The Internal Revenue Service's annual report on wealthy Americans found that the "number of affluent individuals and married couples who paid no federal income taxes jumped more than 15 percent in 2002." Additionally, the "chances of having a large income but not paying taxes on any of it are growing." The report also found that thousands of people from this group lived completely free of income tax to any government whatsoever and almost 83,000 of the high-income earners paid less in taxes for every dollar of income than the national average for all Americans.
  • Reply to: Credit Card Companies Profit Off Tragedy in Haiti   14 years 5 months ago

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