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  • Reply to: Defend Derivatives Reform   14 years 4 months ago
    Generalized answer: Yes, Empire. No, regulation! There will be no regulation of the Global Empire --- financial, ecological, social, military, legal or otherwise. The Global corporate/financial/militarist Empire that controls 'our' country does not want, and will not suffer, regulation of any kind to get in its way! Best luck against this Empire, Alan MacDonald Sanford, Maine
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   14 years 4 months ago
    This "doctor" is the perfect example of why healthcare is basically untouchable my a lot of people. You are comparing a mechanic fixing my breaks because I casually asked him to check them with you charging for answering a patient's question with" I don't see nothing in your throat" ? Are you serious? First of all, if I asked a mechanic to check my brakes, that is exactly what I expect him to do! I did not say Fix my brakes! I only asked him to check them! Most mechanics do not even charge for checking the brakes since it is such an easy task and only requires a visual inspection. They do that because they are checking to see if they can get more business by finding bad brakes and then asking if they can go ahead and fix them. You F*&%ing "doctors" don't ask patients if they want to get billed for every word that comes out of your mind. You just charge it because you think you are entitled. That is wrong! Even if you charged extra for takin 2 minutes to look in someone's throat including asking them if there was something else, how can you justify the 100 dollars? People pay for a service not for your medical school. You are not God and in fact you're just another schmuck eager to fill up his bank account. The fact is that you are out of control ( all of you docs) You should be required by law to justify your billing statements. Some of you asses don't even bother to explain. You just simply send a generic looking bill requesting payment for a total amount. I'm supposed to call and ask what i'm being charged for. Thereis no accountability and no repercussion. Thats why we are where we are. I find obscene for family doctors who are just a bunch of pill salesman to charge 100$ for 10 seconds worth of looking in somone's throat. Disgusting!
  • Reply to: NPR Erases Domestic Terrorism   14 years 4 months ago
    Because all three are just right-wing boogiemen with little-to-no presence in this country. Some eco-jerks buzzing whaling ships is no where near as devastating as a lunatic using explosives to attack government offices. The aryan nation, the KKK, anti-government militias, and dangerous loners with explosives are real terrorist threats.
  • Reply to: What If BP Were a Human Being?   14 years 4 months ago
    'we're reasonably sure a human BP would not be a woman' Because ... what ... women would never do such terrible things? As if all evil things done by corporations are done solely by men? As if women are not equally capable of reeking destruction on the planet? Drop the mild misandry-as-wry-humor act - it doesn't help the cause. "How long will it be before we revoke the lawless privileges of corporations, before we limit their immunity, curtail their immortality, and rein in their immorality?" Maybe this will happen when authors like this stop wasting everyone's time with what-if articles about if corporations are people. They are not. That means corporations are neither male or female (or transgender for that matter). Corporations can never be human beings, as not only do they extend beyond gender, but beyond a single sentient being. I think in most societies, the laws governing them really fail to take this into true account. Recognizing, understanding, and communicating this is the first step in changing things. Next is define exactly kind of entity they are, understand how they differ from people and other entities, work to get our politicians to understand this meaning, analyze all current laws which apply, and to redesign/exempt the legal liabilities they are able to currently avoid. This would include things like banning non-people entities from doing things like contributing to political campaigns and lobbying and so forth. Pretty big set of tasks, eh? Therein lies the real and bigger problem. It isn't that people cannot solve it. It's that people don't really want to do the work that goes in to solving it. I believe the only way to address corporations is by addressing the larger problem of getting people (that is sentient human beings) more involved in the political process. Nothing will change unless more people start paying attention to issues, start asking questions, and being vigilant till the questions are answered and the problems are solved.
  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   14 years 4 months ago
    The deregulation of any corporate industry has been a known for the last 30 years. The Republican/Conservative philosophy of less or smaller government has just been one of catering to corporate greed and not enforcing the rules, in exchange for generous political contributions. Conscience? . . . . Oh,Never Mind !
