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  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   14 years 4 months ago
    What's even more sad is that no one is mentioning that this is an extinction level event...
  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   14 years 4 months ago
    Funny how no one in MSM is mentioning that Halliburton is one of Cheney's babies...
  • Reply to: The Right Wing's Next Target: The Greenlining Institute   14 years 4 months ago
    Wouldn't it be novel and proactive to just tell the complex truth instead of pushing political propaganda? I am a moderate who used to be a progressive, and am still a Green in my state, though our party merged with the Mountain Party.That is some of my progressive pedigree, but health and financial solvency, and you may be able to appreciate the value of my voice. I am raising it forthwith. IMO, ACORN wasa corrupted, incestouous, jaded, PC organization which accomplished little of value and erred on the side of babysitiing folks instead of empowering them, and throwing the blame game around instead of enabling folks to stand up. It is heinous what theyoffered to do for the investigative reporters, who are no diffferent from PETA people or anyone else who goes undercover because of the lack of true investigative media, anymore.The whole organizationis similarly corrupted. Anytime ACORN wants to stand up for real jobs outside the vile, violent black market economy, then they may be considered to ahve rediscovered their roots in strengthening social goods. Meanwhile GREENLINING is an entriely different organzization and not deserving of the comparison you made. GREENLINING is a true community action program with revitalization of communities and financial parity. not black market crime and corruption, as its engine.
  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   14 years 4 months ago
    Independent views are needed but what then? BP has sucked many in our Federal Government in as co-stewards in this mess. Now the smirks from many of the Jerks in BP have got folks in the USA fuming. And the trickle down effect has finally got those in DC wondering what could be next? Maybe the loss of their jobs?????? Look at this plan pass it around to those in Oil and Gas for real then get some buy in and make BP stop the oil and gas before it is too late. Thursday, May 20, 2010 To all concerned about our future: The following has been sent along to BP without a response. Yet today BP is stating they will try to do a similar thing but not in an oil field way of doing. That does not surprise me they have been doing things left handed and sideways since all this began. I suggest for All that can --- pass this along to BP stressing on them to do the right thing this time ‘To stop the oil and gas from flowing into our Gulf of Mexico’. What is at stake? Bret Hume FOX NEWS spin master said he could see No Oil. Got to watch the mainstream media propaganda spin masters they get their orders from the top of the heap. View Bret Hume on FOX NEWS Some might say Just take the scoundrels to court--- Which one and What day and When will they pay? If you think that way may you set back and think about who we are up against “The biggest buck folks in the human history, the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s” --- then think along those lines asking “Are we really sovereign people”? Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Reuters, The operators of Reuters must pass this along to the Rothschild’s who own Reuters as soon as possible. The games that some are playing at BP will in the end cause a ruckus too hard to mend. I proposed this plan a week ago the oil and gas could have been stopped by now. Yet the mum boo jumbo way this crisis is being handled in the USA is a fault of guilt’s that will go back and keep going back until trials are held and many responsible for the lacks found in their actions will put them in jails. Many have not a clue yet I do. To whom it must concern at BP By Dwight Baker May 16, 2010 SUBJECT; Build install Overshot for riser PURPOSE; Kill the well Should I have enough facts about the conditions where you are working, consider this: get a design ‘You have all the dimensions’ then get an overshot made to fit the top flange looking up where the riser was affixed. Get 5,000 feet of heavy weight 7” or better casing loaded on board for the overshot to be attached. The casing string should be arranged as this: 1. On the bottom the overshot 2. Next up 3 or more high pressure check valves to resist the flow of gas and fluids up to the rig installing. 3. Next install 1 or more high-pressure pump out plugs to begin unloading the loss circulation material and heavy weight mud whatever that might be. 4. When installing the casing fill the casing as needed with loss circulation material and heavy weight mud as best designed. 5. Design a cut off charge to be used to separate the drill string from the riser with intent to have it fall away out of the overshot to be installed. 6. Use the roves to set the charge off at the best time after installation of overshot is underway. Should it not fall away as expected then a grapple can be used to pull out of the way. 7. After setting the overshot around the top flange the rubber goods installed will compress. 8. Install cementing plugs as needed and begin pumping as needed. 9. I believe the entire amounts of fluids and solids will go quickly into all exit points at this time. 10. The cement should be pumped down to the setting ring. 11. Should it not go down then close in ---- let set until cement has had time to dry. 12. After that time ----to release the rig a charge could be set at the depth where cement is in the setting casing --- the remainder can be pulled up and hopefully the nightmare will be ended. GOOD LUCK I have high hopes that the BOP SUB SEA WELL CONTROL SYSTEM IS STILL UP RIGHT. Now, this is a good idea much better than the current plan that is NOT SANE or SOUND AT ALL ----NOW my thoughts and ideas are worthy of payment, please advise when we can come to terms. Dwight Baker PO BOX 7065 Eagle Pass Texas, 78852 tel 830-773-1077 Retired Oil and Gas Engineer with USA PATENTS high-pressure gates valves. Banking Universal Commercial Code number E67344656 My genetic roots go back to J.D. Rockefeller.
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   14 years 4 months ago
    This is actually not the only law which is broken, there are number of them that i observe being broken more often than not, it would be great to get to the root of it rather pin pointing a particular.
