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  • Reply to: The Oil Spill the World Forgot   14 years 3 months ago
    Nigeria has been a cesspool of corruption for many years now. It's not surprising to read about how the government there at large profited from the common people's misery. I believe its' the scam capital of the world for a reason. My concern in regards to the current spill, I dont know if anyone remembers, but we still haven't cleaned up the first Exxon spill up in Alaska yet. Now we have to put efforts into cleaning up an even bigger one. Too many people underestimate the exxon spill, it's been 10 years and we're still cleaning it up. These oil companies are slowly but surely killing our planet, and I worry for what my daughters of 4 months and 3 will inherit, and even moreso for my grandchildren.
  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 3 months ago
    Why are we not rushing to the aid of the communities along the Gulf that are suffering financial ramifications from the oil spill? We jump at the chance to show our support to Haiti, yet the worst US oil spill disaster in history is not drawing enough support from the company that caused the spill, our government, or the public at large. What a crying shame.
  • Reply to: The Other Oil Giants? Just as Unready as BP   14 years 3 months ago
    After reading this you have to wonder if anyone vets, or even reads, these response plans. From what's written above, a cursory glance at these documents would have raised questions as to the qualifications of the plan's author, not to mention the guidelines laid out in the plan itself. Truly baffling.
  • Reply to: The Oil Spill the World Forgot   14 years 3 months ago
    It is sad that any oil spill -- in any part of the world -- should be let go to destroy the environment. A television report covered an organization that offers rewards for anyone with potential solutions ( Apparently hundreds of potential solutions have been submitted. While I'm sure that the majority were not feasible or realistic solutions, I understand that many had been submitted by PhD engineers and other individuals with high level credentials. Are Shell and BP and other oil companies so pompous as to not even entertain possible solutions? Such an attitude is an atrocity. Any company destroying water or land anywhere on the globe should be mandated to explore ANY solutions that may help end destruction of the environment.
  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 3 months ago

    I know that Light smokes taste different than normal ones, but I keep hearing that they have the same amount of tar and other chemicals. Perhaps it is just another ploy by the cig companies to keep people addicted to their products? Keep in mind that when they lose smokers, they lose it wouldnt surprise me if they did something to mislead us.
