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  • Reply to: The Oil Spill the World Forgot   14 years 3 months ago
    I am in Florida on the east coast and we are preparing for the oil - if it comes. The indiactions from scientists are that the oil 'will' reach the gulf stream and then we will have even bigger problems because the whold state will have oil on the beaches. Of course there is the threat of hurricanes which usually for in the gulf and that would push the oil everwhere. BP should have acted much quicker and shuld be paying the residents of the gulf states who are lossing their jobs and livelyhoods. All we can do is sit and wait. It's sort of like watching paint dry; but more nerve wracking.
  • Reply to: The Oil Spill the World Forgot   14 years 3 months ago
    We are in Florida on the east coast. We are not concerned with the oil until it reaches the gulf stream. But; our friends live on the west coast and are already dealing with tar balls on the beaches. BP should have dealt with this quicker. Now we have to wait and the shops and beaches are not as crowded as in the past even though there is no oil on the east coast.
  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 3 months ago

    Good for you... I've stop smoking through Hypnosis... thank God I was able to overcome the urge... Anyway, what Obama did is not complete... people are still misguided by the color coding made by these cigarette companies...

  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 3 months ago

    That's true! When I used to smoke, no matter which type of cigarette, my health was deteriorating at the same rate! I think the light ones have just fewer leaves and all other things remaining the same...Well, I'm happy that I've stopped smoking, so, I don't really care about the stuff now :)

  • Reply to: The Oil Spill the World Forgot   14 years 3 months ago
    Shell like to let people think that they think of the environment, but if you look what happens in Nigeria you start to get your doubts about it. About BP, just hope they clean their mess up and compensate those who gets in trouble because of their failure.
