Recent comments

  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 3 months ago

    I have to admit that I fell this one when I was a smoker. I thought that Marlborgh Lights were better than the normal red standard packs - this I now know to be wrong.
    I gave up though a few years ago - I'm not anti-smoking or anyhting like that but would encourage all smokers to try and quit or at least really cut down on the numbers you're smoking - you'll feel better for it and you'll have more money to spend on other things. Good Luck.

  • Reply to: Egg Land's Worst   14 years 3 months ago

    When you look at the different points in this story one can argue either for or against what is happening. You can say yes that the chickens are being treated badly or you could also say who cares because its a source of food.

    It makes me wonder though what people are thinking they would rather sue them for false advertisement rather than for the way the birds are being treated. In the end who really cares what the advertisement says. Most people in the real world know that a majority if not all advertisement is not truthful if it was the products would never sell.

  • Reply to: The Oil Spill the World Forgot   14 years 3 months ago
    This is very tragic, we need to make actions about this to prevent it from happening again. Let's help together to save mother earth.
  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 3 months ago

    ...but a result of a cigarette's combustion. Less tar may result from burning a "low tar" cigarette, but you must also consider several other factors. One is cigarette design. The way cigarette companies reduce the delivery of tar and nicotine is by putting hundreds of tiny holes near the filter end of the cigarette, so more air is entrained during active puffing, diluting the smoke. Because the smoke is dilute, low-tar smokers inhale more deeply and frequently to get as much nicotine as their body needs to feel "satisfied." These deeper inhalations pull the tar and other chemicals deeper into the lungs, nullifying any implied beneficial effect.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: The Oil Spill the World Forgot   14 years 3 months ago
    It's amazing how there always seems to be different standards when it comes to Africa. For some reason Africa is forgotten about and no-body cares. But if it's North America then it's a tragedy. I hope lessons will be learned from this spill.
