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  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 3 months ago

    I tried these out for about 5 minutes in the store, after reading about them. They took the pain away from my knees. I can't afford them. I didn't want to invest $100 in something which may not be reputable. Plus, I'm shallow and they're ugly.

    My poor woman's solution: walk in platform flip flops from Walmart (less than $10! Woot!) over soft, uneven ground. Yes, I walk around in flip flops in my backyard, gleefully saving $90+. You get the instability factor to help strengthen your feet and ankles. The soft ground relieves my knee pain. I can walk longer and faster than on pavement.

    It's revolutionary! It changed my life! ::sarcasm::

  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   14 years 3 months ago
    I don't speak to represent all doctors. These are my own thoughts. The poster should do some homework before posting. Doctor can't charge what we want. Unlike most any other business (this is a business-not a charity) our rates are dictated by insurance companies and the government. Yes rates are based on what medicare (a government program) is willing to pay. There are some services we provide (because it is the right thing to do) that we lose money on. How many businesses do that? We have to justify every billing we do-every one for every doctor. They are audited regularly to make sure what is done is justified. As the cost of doing business goes up (pay raises for employess, cost of paper, cost of computers, repairs, malpractice) the charges remain flat or in the case of Medicare potentially go down (20% cuts threatened every year.) The mechanic analogy is valid. If he didn't stand to earn your business and sell you brakes and charge you labor at whatever he wises to set that rate at he would not look at your brakes. He is not in this for charity either. How many of you go into your employer and give your time for free. "The economy is bad so why don't you just not pay me for a few hours this week." You don't do this because you consider your time/energy worth something. My time is worth something to me. Malpractice cost are a problem because when some patients don't get what they want or things don't end like a disney movie ending they are calling a lawyer. Fine you want it that way, somehow that insurance has to be paid. Good look finding Dr McDreamy-Schweitzer-Doolittle or whatever you want.
  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 3 months ago

    I got a pair of these some time ago, and i cant say i have used them all that much, but they did hurt my feet, and i didnt really see the point.

    I dont know why people cant just run or walk normally, there are so many thousands of cardio exersises and workouts that one can do, that its not worth it to invest in a pair of shoes like this.

  • Reply to: BP "Reporters" Give Flowery Accounts of Disaster   14 years 3 months ago

    You talk of the ballet at sea. Seems to me you are tap dancing around the real issues.

  • Reply to: "Change" President Not Pressing for Change   14 years 3 months ago

    I am becoming further and further detached from the Yes We Can optimism of Obama's campaign. I had hoped that Obama might be less swayed by industry and political corruption. I understand he's walking a political tight rope. But, we need to be firm and clear in our resolve to break the oil addiction. I don't see his leadership on this issue. I see political cowardice.
