Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Change" President Not Pressing for Change   14 years 3 months ago

    I think you bring up a good point that President Obama needs to move the country in a more energy efficient direction. However, don't you think the burden lies more with Congress than the President? Presidential agendas are not always aligned with the need and wants of the country - the people need to decide that they are ready for energy dependency to end...

  • Reply to: Bad Oil Spill News for the Day   14 years 3 months ago
    If we have to find anything positive in this mess it could be a serious push for alternative energy sources. I hope that this is a fact but it's really sad if we need a catastrophe like this to get our eyes to open.
  • Reply to: Creating A Constitutional Violation Out Of Thin Air   14 years 3 months ago
    Fair play-is that a sick joke? It sounds like you buy into that whole "Europeans are superior" myth. Europeans are no better, and neither are their greed motivated corporations. That much should be obvious to an unbiased observer of this BP sponsored nightmare. They've lied through their teeth before and ever since the disaster they created, dumped toxic chemicals that made the problem worse in the hopes of hiding the magnitude of it..the list of ugly deeds goes on. The crimes these pieces of excrement masquerading as humans continue to perpetrate are hideous beyond measure. They ought to lose more than money over it. Don't forget that Europe had the biggest empires in the world before we Americans beat them at their own game. There are plenty of powerful scumbags to go around-as well as plenty more good people whose will rarely prevails. Nobody is better by virtue of their country or continent-that belief is pure jingoism, if not outright bigotry. Maybe it's time European superiority believers reviewed the history of that bloody continent, not to mention the behavior of these BP Earth destroyers and liars with their "sense of fair play". The only reason they're giving a dime is that they see the writing on the wall-they know they're neck deep in it, and if the political will is there, we can strip them of everything, and ought to. They are hoping to avoid that. Anyone perpetrating such a nightmare against the planet ought to lose the right to ever do business again, as well as all their ill gotten gains, and be on trial for their lives. Anything less is spitting in the faces of our unfortunate descendants. If you think I'm mad; of course I am-when someone attacks my mother, I'm ready to rip them a new one. A tepid response isn't what's called for. For the record, Exxon and the rest are all the same in my book, and all deserve the same fate. No worse, and no better-no illusions about it.
  • Reply to: Workers Left Behind at the World Cup   14 years 3 months ago
    I'm not surprised by this after so many bogus called from the referees, especially the two of the bad call against u.s
  • Reply to: Just the Facts on Judge Martin Feldman's Financial Investments   14 years 3 months ago
    Well done Lisa Graves. Judge Feldman did not declare his interests and did not step down - greed merchants rule!
