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  • Reply to: BP's "Beyond Petroleum" Campaign Losing its Sheen   14 years 3 months ago
    The devastating impact of this oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico just reinforces how urgent it is to accelerate the move away from dependency on petroleum for our main energy needs. Transport is a significant user of the refined products of crude oil, and we should make greater efforts, together with providing incentives, for the move towards using low carbon forms of energy in our transport system. At least BP has been effective in setting up a $20 billion fund to pay for the widespread ecological damage, but the overall message has to be a determination to shift towards newer, cleaner and more sustainable means of powering our economies.
  • Reply to: "Change" President Not Pressing for Change   14 years 3 months ago

    Of course BP is to blame. Why talk about changing energy policies during discussion about a disaster? While switching to green technology is a great goal to work towards when there are thousands of families out of work and worried about the oceans and it's not the time to push an agenda. I think he is doing a good job finding those to blame but there is little the government can do with this disaster, we aren't equipped for this.

    I do hope it changes our policies on how to handle oil spills and hopefully develop a technology for plugging a broken well.

  • Reply to: BP's "Beyond Petroleum" Campaign Losing its Sheen   14 years 3 months ago
    I have been watching this company BP transform its image from British Petroleum to Beyond Petroleum for many years. Anyone who watches any television at all, has seen the adds: BP: Beyond Petroleum, The adds show wind farms in hay fields and solar photovoltaic cells on rooftops of barns in Vermont or Iowa. The very logo of British Petroleum (a.k.a. quote Beyond Petroleum) is a bright GREEN star logo. All of this was an intentional effort by British Petroleum to reinvent their image from being a British owned Petroleum company to a multinational clean energy company. I have ALWAYS been aware that BP has an amazing PR firm, for those who have been drinking cool-aid or who are too young to recognize that BP is in fact a petroleum company, they all buy into the "Beyond Petroleum" farce. The mind game BP has played on the American public is nothing short of brilliant from a corporate profit perspective, however, all through the years they have been screwing the american people and the results are only now becoming perfectly clear for ALL to see. It's time to face the fact that BP (Beyond Petroleum: Their words, not mine) is in fact a totally Petroleum based profit center. To BP I say, you have fooled the American Consumer with your bullshit adds about being a green company. It is very evident based on the fact that you no longer refer to "Beyond Petroleum" on your web page, that you are now finally aware that both myself and many other American who have kept their eyes open over the last ten years are now fully aware that you are NOT Beyond Petroleum, instead you are British Petroleum: A London based multinational OIL/Petroleum company that is much more interested in short term profits than in "saving the planet" with your uneconomical solar voltaic cells and wind power. By the way we all realize that for you as a petroleum company, the whole alternative energy scenario is a lose - lose proposition. Reason being: alternative energy is much more costly both economically and environmentally not only for the average consumer but also for the large multinational conglomerates such as British Petroleum, note that I call you British Petroleum, NOT Beyond Petroleum.
  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 3 months ago

    But what exactly is this technology all about? The name Shox is used to refer to small rubber columns that are hollow inside. These small columns are what make up the midsole of the Nike Shox shoes instead of a full padded midsole. Unique but extremely effective, the technology bases its benefits on the resilient and rebounding energy of the rubber columns.

    Upon the introduction of the shoes that feature this technology, it created much hype among athletes and athletic shoe enthusiasts all across the athletic field. Fortunately, however, the shoes delivered its promise and lived up to what was expected of them.

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  • Reply to: BP Buys Search Terms to Redirect Users to Company Web Site   14 years 3 months ago

    The nice part about it, is that despite BP buying those search words (for those still in doubt, it refers to search words powering the adwords) there is something WE can do to about it!
    Namely keeping the topic hot on social channels, leaving the truth out, do not let it "go down" - what's going on in the Gulf of Mexico is a terrible thing, a catastrophe with global consequences.
    Now back to social channels, as you know, Google is now showing social results on top of all other results, and many people do already know how to use the "latest" function to display exactly that.
    Getting involved is the key, so keep posting and share your thoughts and opinions about what's going on there :-)

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