Recent comments

  • Reply to: Hate for the Holidays   14 years 2 months ago

    I full agree with this statement, although these groups, for the most part are exclusive. The Republican Party continues it's uphill battle to be seen as inclusive.

  • Reply to: Soda Industry Using Tobacco Industry PR Strategies   14 years 2 months ago

    It is indeed true that sugar can also disrupt the diet of a person. Increasing the tax and price for it may pose a significant change in our market which may prove to be detrimental since a lot of products uses glucose or sugar.

  • Reply to: The Blame Game Double Standard   14 years 2 months ago
    Here's the problem, and this will always be the problem. Everyone is pointing a finger at the other guy. This isn't about the American people, it's about politicians from all sides trying to take care of the lobbyist who are filling their pockets and trying to make sure they can keep a job to keep their pockets filled. Rarely do I believe that any politician has his constituents truly at heart. There's always an agenda. Why did we really go to Iraq? Why are we really still in Afghanistan? Why did Bush do nothing about Katrina? What took Obama so long to go after BP and start cleaning oil? We'll never know what the behind the scenes details are. But I doubt we're everyone's first thought.
  • Reply to: "Giving Up Faith": The EPA, Dispersants, and the Commons in Chains   14 years 2 months ago
    Stop buying anything made using fossil fuel. Stop using any service which depends on fossil fuel. Jim Miller
  • Reply to: Monsanto: Time to Cry Over Spilled rBGH Milk?   14 years 2 months ago

