Recent comments

  • Reply to: Citibank Sticks It to Customers -- and Congress   14 years 2 months ago

    I really wish this person would learn to spell and quit using shorthand. Terrible grammar and short hand detracts from the important information and attention that this issue deserves.

    And to the point about not having proof on record with the company about Iraq deployment, you can fax/email/snail mail them a copy of the Official orders and a copy of the Soldier and Sailors Relief Act. This should bring them up to speed, and will help in the long run.

  • Reply to: Philip Morris Pushing Smoking Hard in Foreign Countries   14 years 2 months ago
    Nicotine is more addictive than heroine. There's no record of a full ban in nicotine products so we don't know the reaction of people, but we do know that jews in concentration camps would exchange their loaf of bread (all their food of the day) for one "cigarette' made with 3 or 4 cigarette butts picked up from the floor. That's how much you need nicotine. You'd rather die than the prospect of living without it. Everybody smokes in Uruguay. (I know, I'm from there). 3/4 of the population smoke. My mom, dad, brothers, sister, everybody smokes. My dad died at 60 from a tobacco use related illness and he couldn't stop smoking. My father in law died from the same, also smoker, he was able to stop smoking but it was too late. In Uruguay there aren't consumer laws like in America. I remember watching cigarette ads in TV every time during the day. I mean, THEY TARGET KIDS!!!! there are candy cigarettes sold at stores! After 20 years of smoking and many, many unsuccessful attempts to quit, FINALLY, I've been nicotine free for 2 months now. I believe that living in America has been the main reason why I was able to quit. The fact that the majority of people despise smoking here, and the fact that I don't have to see tobacco absofuckinglutely everywhere I turn to, has made my quitting possible. The pro-consumer laws against tobacco have saved my life. Its a shame that the majority of 3/4 of the population of Uruguay (most of the people I've known anyways) will probably die because of tobacco use and nobody cares.
  • Reply to: Chemical Industry Front Group Outed   14 years 2 months ago

    I am very impressed with the article I have just read...

  • Reply to: BP "Photoshopped" Gulf Response Pictures   14 years 2 months ago

    I cannot believe BP would actually go as far as to fake these pictures. It gives me shivers when I think of these large companies taking measures such as these. Nevertheless, that was an interesting read. Thanks


  • Reply to: Colorado Candidate for Governor Admits Plagiarism   14 years 2 months ago

    It is astonishing that some people still think they can get away with plagiarism in this day and age. I work in higher education and we work hard to instill in our students the principles of academic honesty. Most of those who try to cheat go are found out, especially with the technology available today to detect plagiarism. It is a sad sign of the times when senators try to cheat and expecting to get paid for it!
