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  • Reply to: The Newest Hasbara Group in Town: the Emergency Committee for Israel   14 years 2 months ago
    If one examines the special relationship the US has with Israel so spoken about by Obama the Demos and Nancy Pelosi and the two Senators from California -- it is also a connection to military equipment and design. In an attempt to develop a boycott at a local food store, the discovery was not the cans of tomato sauce, or candles, a few figs rather the intertwining and joint research and business dealings of military hardware and soft ware. One great business is called "Checkpoint" they sell surveillance equipment their offices are in California. One might presume/assume guess that the Pentagon military budget finds some funds for that organization. Thus AIPAC is only one operative Foreign Lobby the US military is much larger.
  • Reply to: "Giving Up Faith": The EPA, Dispersants, and the Commons in Chains   14 years 2 months ago
    My good friend declares himself to be a liberal environmentalist. That is until it is about him taking responsibility for himself. Example: He talks about water conservation and waste. Once when his toilet kept running I asked him why he did not do something to stop the flow and waste of good water. His response "it's well water so I don't have to pay for it". Principles are principles. True environmentalist would seek to conserve water regardless if there was a fee attached. This is just one of many examples I notice about a liberal mentality. As long as it's not them!
  • Reply to: "Giving Up Faith": The EPA, Dispersants, and the Commons in Chains   14 years 2 months ago
    Jim, while I think that is a great goal I'm not sure you are aware of how dependant we are currently on fossil fuels. The computers we are typing on are largely made of plastic with is made of ...fossil fuels. Half of our clothes, shoes, furniture, car seats, cosmetics, helmets,..... the list could go on and on. I would like to see us be more environmentally friendly but to stop buying fossil fuels isn't very realistic right now. <a href="">Compare Prices</a>
  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 2 months ago
    I find it incredible that BP didn't have in place a prepared plan for dealing with a situation like this. I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but the job of the top management of even medium sized companies is to think ahead, to anticipate rather than to react, particularly where health and safety are involved. Given the vast sums of money deployed in the oil industry, it cannot be unreasonable to have expected BP and ALL the other oil companies to have modelled any number of potential disaster scenarios, and to have had not only written contingency plans but also to have rehearsed the areas in practise which their modelling of such situations should have identified as being potentially serious or difficult to cope with. For Hayward to arrive AFTER the event has happened and start directing operations seems to be an immediate admission of negligence on a massive scale. And how much money would it have taken to test the potentially toxic effects of antidispersants? Even if it was $10million, it would have been peanuts! Management's job is to manage, not to try unsuccessfully to bolt the stable door after the horse has bolted. George
  • Reply to: Coast Guard PR: Photos Show Spill Workers Without Protective Gear   14 years 2 months ago

    It's a wonder why nothing gets done! Damned if you do and damned if you don't! If there were no workers out there, they report on how no one is out there cleaning, yet even though these people are out on the beaches trying, then they report that they shouldn't be there. Why have I seen pictures of people laying out on the beaches while the cleaners are out there? The beach goers aren't wearing any special protection?
