Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Right Wing Media's Lie Machine   14 years 1 week ago
    It's amazing you small minded people seize on some non-issue such as this and run it in the ground. Many Presidents have used teleprompters as a matter of convenience, not ignorance. GW Bush would be a stellar example of one who should have used one but didn't, that is why he was a national embarrassment world wide. Obama obviously held his own in the many presidential debates that he won against Republican sound-biters. That blows holes in your theory but your not concerned with reality. It just shows your ignorance by repeating that dribble; especially in light of giving 'ol GW two freaking terms. He will go down in history as the dumbest president and the worst choice Americans have made since Herbert Hoover. Thank God I didn't vote for him and proud of it.
  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 1 week ago

    Firearms don't cause death, you fool. It takes a human being with an intent to harm to cause a violent death. Why don't you look at the statistics on how many women save their own lives with a gun? I think it's very appropriate for a company that makes a product with the intention of helping women (and men) to protect their lives to also use their products to spread awareness of breast cancer.

    My mother is a breast cancer survivor and she'd love what S&W is doing.

  • Reply to: Department of Homeland Security Keeps on Creepin' On...   14 years 1 week ago
    In our UK news media the other day we here of this school (not sure if it is the first one) which is now using face-recognition technology so they will know which children are not showing up---we call it 'playing truant'--. In the media slot it had people saying how great it was! Thing is--I HATED school, and did bunk off otherwise i would have gone madder than I went. Also we are more and more hearing of children who are so bullied in their school years they end up killing themselves! Already in the last month there have been approximately six of these child suicides in America alone, and also several here in the UK. As John Taylor Gattot reveals, the very 'education' system is enforced. Here, if children are found to not be attending classes their parents risk fines, and prison! So along with this pressure they are now using the very invasive surveilance face technology. This WRONG as the branch of the technology you talk about is wrong. VERY fukin wrong!!!
  • Reply to: The Ultimate Irony: Health Care Industry Adopts Big Tobacco's PR Tactics   14 years 1 week ago
    This is truly best article is that With this legislation, candidates for Congress could rely on grass-roots supporters to respond to threats from special interests outside their district. Instead of turning to lobbyists and political action committees, candidates could counter attacks with small donations from within their district, matched four to one. san diego wrongful death lawyer
  • Reply to: Research Project to Examine Spread of Tobacco Industry Strategies   14 years 1 week ago

    If the bill had any teeth, would Philip Morris be supporting it?...Why? the link.
    "The currently-proposed FDA regulations may sound good to those not steeped in the tobacco industry's behavioral history or long-range strategies, but predictably, given PM's involvement in crafting it, the bill is riddled with loopholes that clearly will benefit the tobacco industry, and leave protection of public health in the dust."
    "...the bill elevates the needs of tobacco companies above the need for effective and immediate action to reduce nicotine addiction."
    "How does passing legislation that is in the best financial interests of the largest, smartest and most aggressive tobacco company in the U.S. serve the public health agenda?"
