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  • Reply to: New Health Care Provisions Begin to Pay Off for All Ages   14 years 1 week ago
    We can all find cases and prob­lems with any health-care sys­tem regard­less of who tries to imple­ment it. How­ever, I know from per­sonal expe­ri­ence that this health-care sys­tem is good for the mid­dle class.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   14 years 1 week ago
    I agree with you mate
  • Reply to: Taxpayers Fund Pro-Pesticide PR Campaign   14 years 1 week ago

    I'm an environmentalist. Pesticide can really damage human and environmental health. With regards to human beings, health is greatly affected with the effects of residues. These effect may vary from cancer, chronic and acute diseases because of the compounds that were added to the pesticides. We might not feel the effects immediately because some compounds may be safe for certain levels, however continuous exposure can harm us already because some compounds are capable of bio-accumulation or bioconcentration. This process occurs when our body accumulates toxic substances that can be found on pesticides, from time to time, your body will suffer from chronic poisoning. That's why concerned institutions monitor the levels so consumers won't be affected. This is only one effect of pesticides to human beings.

    Another component that can be affected is our environment. Pesticides can leave residues such as salts to the soil or to our farms. This process is called salinization. Salinization can affect plant growth which eventually contribute to lower yield.

    Nowadays, there are alternative ways in order to reduce or mitigate the impacts of pesticides to both human beings and to the environment. Instead of using pesticides, effective pesticide management can be implemented, this includes proper timing of pesticide application, using proper amount of pesticides to avoid immunity development of pests or the use of natural pesticides such as planting of allelophatic plants or beneficial insects that target pests not your crops and other practices. Using these practices can mitigate or control the detrimental effects of pesticides to human beings as well as the environment.

    I only included here some practices, there are still a lot more practices that can be more effective and even localized.

  • Reply to: Congress Needs to Clip Goldman's Wings   14 years 1 week ago
    Gosh.. What do Goldman Sachs thinks they are? Are they equivalent to Uncle Sam? And why do they need to care for the average Joe, or how Joe thinks about them?I suppose those who will get the fat bonus from GS or other banks will laugh at average Joe for their generous and stupid bailouts.
  • Reply to: Pinkwashing: Can Shopping Cure Breast Cancer?   14 years 1 week ago
    We must maintain this awareness on 'the other awareness'! It is nothing but a scam that is exploiting the personal tragedy of individuals and their families in the interest of money; it is exploiting the emotional subject that is breasts! It started out as a good campaign of awareness that has gotten out of control. There won't be a cure for my breastcancer in my lifetime - that is accessible and available to all - because there is too much money in it. The backlash will come. I have spent so much money on treatments. I have held fundraisers and put my own money to so many causes because it seemed we could buy our way to a cure. Americans think they can buy anything. There is also too much money in current chemo treatments and postoperative pharmaceuticals too, for any interest in a cure. Pink dollar suckers!
