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  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 10 months ago
    Although it's a shame that Wendell felt pressure to remain silent for the years he was in the PR industry - it's always better late than never. Let's face it, many journalists and lawyers recycle news stories as their own and defend guilty parties, respectively. There doesn't seem to be a lot of outrage around that. I hardly think it's an easy decision to admit wrongdoing and take responsibility -- although it was a bit shocking to read such private confessions. And who cares if he is trying to sell his book? If you write a book, you want people to read it. Not knowing Michael Moore, I do appreciate his intelligence and acquisitiveness in his docs and invus and hope that he forgives and forgets -- and that others who aren't as personally affected take his cue. To think that WP should be held responsible for someone's aunt dying truly makes me wonder how many people on this message board are home-schooled and why they aren't spending their spare time reading books on the Trivium. -A Canadian bystander
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 10 months ago
    During Obama's whole campaign of trying to get Obamacare passed, he kept sending emails under Organizing For America daying that the insurance co's were spending big money to fight his plan and that I was going to soon see all these commercials from the insurance comps to fight it. I waited and waited. Still to this day, no commercials from any insurance comp. saying "Hey you don't want to buy our insurance" or "Gee, you don't wan't to be forced to buy our insurance"!! It seems that those companies to include my own personal employer actually gave Obama a ton of profits from my premiums to lobby to pass it! What did that South Carolina Rep say during the State of the Union?
  • Reply to: Bust the Banksters November 18-24!   13 years 10 months ago
    Seems like those with everything are forever maliciously busting something - whereas those with nothing are dying to create something out of nothing! Mary Bottari seems bent on self destruct, whether or not that means taking as much as she can of America with her, or simply being trampled underfoot by the hordes she can muster to do so. I may as much despise being milked by bankers as I am by watching frenzied lawyers milking every 'tit' of this society without ever a mention from Mary & Co. Similarly, I may as much resent unnecessarily high and invasive medical costs as I do unnecessarily powerful and invasive Unions. Still no mention. Then again, I may as much question the validity of man-made global warming, as I would ponder the logic in employers being in any way responsible for anyone else's retirement, health, taxes et al., or of additional taxes on gas and alcohol, or of burdening the childless through tax deductions for breeders and from unending aid programmes to self-destroying nations in Africa. More silence! But when looking around, all I see is those shouting the loudest for more and better to replace the stuff they've already broken, being the same ones thriving on what others being more creative are struggling harder and harder to produce! So where is their disconnect when looking in their own mirrors each day. Dont they see the products of others in everything around them, including the mirror? Dont they see the value of their already extensive and most likely excessive collection of stuff, with the final product from all that stuff being themselves - the teeth, the Botox, the make-up, the attire (from China?), the dwelling, the bank account, the smile and the freedoms and oh so much whatever? More importantly, dont they see what's missing other than they are not producing any of it themselves? How about a big thought that without all these 'fortunes' they too could be reflected as a plundered and abandoned Somali refugee; without even water for a mirror? My mother taught me to look after things. Any rational being can fathom out that America's crisis, like that of the world it influences purely by its size and dynamics, was not of its private financial sector. That's just convenient spin. If it wasn't, we would all have to include Soros, Buffet and the rest of their mogul-like associates in the global economic conspiracy ... and that wouldnt suit, would it? The crises was borne of years and years of political convenience and protectionism beyond the reach of individual citizen rights, and it is still forefront in this Administration and Congress. Private and Special interests, advocacy and action groups, Lobbyists and Unions from every sector of the economy all served to obscure and pollute the vision for a free, prosperous and peaceful society - given that ups and downs will always be encountered - like ridding Chicago of political corruption, or saving bankrupt Ca and NY city from political mismanagement. So why this desire to continually disrupt and destroy the very foundations on which we live and ultimately need, when Left and Right Wing activism is anathema to any decent society? Mary Bottari, this medium and its sponsor George Soros, could instead try focusing more on adding to the best of America's values, rather than trying to break America's spirit. For, like most self-developed and justly proud nations, America is becoming likely to risk all once again to vigourously defend its integrity.
  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 10 months ago
    It seems that everyone is complaining and whining about attempts to save lives. Come on, folks!! While there are obvious problems, humiliations, thefts, etc., let's try to support our government in its efforts to save our butts! Most travelers are understanding why we have these inconveniences. Who among us wants to be on a plane with some crazed extremist with hidden explosives? Someone who has no qualms about using a child or a grandmother as a shield to transport such evil? Not me. I say, "pat me down" and "pat down the other guy too."
  • Reply to: Healthwashing Soda   13 years 10 months ago
    Right, no amount of tax is going to bring down these giant companies to a state of bankruptcy because they have already made out billions of profits. The taxes levied are only a small fraction compared to the amount of money they make but they do not even want to part with that fraction so they try to make it a big issue. On the other hand, we the consumers should also stop harming our health, soda, we all know is not good for health, so if we stop consuming it, whom are they going to sell it to? the demand and supply in the market most of the time depends on the consumers. <a href="">Wood burning stove</a> | <a href="">Hot tub</a>
