Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pat Robertson & SourceWatch   19 years 1 week ago
    ...the evidence at hand, especially recently, with the BBN Christian Radio Corporation canceling Focus on the Family, ( Rove had a good 'Christian' talk with James about some things), that Falwell, and <i>especially</i> Pat Robertson are very dangerous and seriously bought-and -paid- for Neo-con New American Century shills. AJ
  • Reply to: Pat Robertson & SourceWatch   19 years 1 week ago
    I do not believe the elements that have transpired in South America are just coincidental or a Herring. Sorry Tanst- the huge oil reserves down there are proof enough. But with today's high oil price wars (whether you believe or not in peak), and the implication that Chevez's uppity socialistic, anti-(corporation) American(administration) attitude is pissing off the elite enough that many of our military are already getting ready take a senic tour of the Amazon. It's not <i>just</i> the oil-it's the possibility that Chevez's bucking the traditional IMF/World Bank policies and not playing ball, might make other neighboring countries start getting an attitude too. AJ
  • Reply to: Lincoln Group Bombards Iraq with Fake News   19 years 1 week ago

    Abductions, torture, usage of WMDs, and now plain propaganda... The Iraqi certainly feel the difference...

    Another article, by the NYT : "U.S. Is Said to Pay to Plant Articles in Iraq Papers"

    Stephane MOT -


    PS : I like the "you write what you're told" picture... but isn't it a French flag behind the young lady ?

  • Reply to: Lincoln Group Bombards Iraq with Fake News   19 years 1 week ago

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  • Reply to: Democracy, By God   19 years 1 week ago

    A Kingdom where the rulers claim their throne in the name of God, refusing any other kind of accountability, be it from within the country or from overseas. Where contesting the actions of the rulers leads to harrasment and public inquisition, where abductions and torture become legal for the higher purposes of a holy crusade.

    A Kingdom where fundamentalism dictates the law, where only extremist lobbies receive public fundings, where judges cannot be elected without the approval of the most radical mullahs, where science and education should now comply with the Holy Book.

    And this Kingdom dares speak in the name of compassion, freedom and democracy.

    Welcome to the dark ages of BC04 Amerika.

    Stephane MOT -

