Recent comments

  • Reply to: Chalabi Unites Iraq   18 years 9 months ago

    From the [,dwp_uuid=c1a5b968-e1ed-11d7-81c6-0820abe49a01.html Financial Times]: "Meanwhile, Iraqi oil officials quoted by Dow Jones said yesterday that the deputy prime minister Ahmed Chalabi would take over the oil ministry, replacing Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum, who has taken a month’s leave."

  • Reply to: 'Bye to Hi,' U.S Middle East Propaganda Failure   18 years 9 months ago

    At least Ms. Hughes has the common sense to bury this corpse. Now, perhaps she can set her sights toward burying the corpse of Al-Hurrah Television, another ill-conceived, Madison Avenue-ish concoction that has done far more harm than good.

    Still, no amount of PR or journalistic effort and savvy can put a truly positive face on a broken and unworkable -- and thus "unsellable" foreign policy.

  • Reply to: It's Easy Being Green (washed)   18 years 9 months ago

    It's amazing! With all these new "greenwashing" campaigns the FTC environmental marketing enforcement has dramatically decreased. At least that appears to be the case according to their enforcement website. In 1991 the FTC published environmental guidelines to help regulate environmental marketing claims. In the last seven years or so they have paid those guidelines little if any attention.

  • Reply to: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf   18 years 9 months ago

    I heard Bush Sr.personally deliver an atrocity tale
    that been revived from I don't remember where.

    The Iraqis ordered a family to bring out their
    sons who were shot before the parents eyes. "And
    then they charged the parents for the bullets used
    to kill their sons", said Bush.

    Not sure of the venue, possibily a meeting of
    religious leaders.

    The Bush/Reagan/NeoCons are so certain of their
    ability to fool the gullible Americans that their
    stories don't even
    need to sound plausible or make sense anymore.

    Monte Haun

  • Reply to: Camera/Iraq   18 years 9 months ago

    The [ Luminous Lint] website, which is devoted to showcasing the art of photography, has an essay with extensive examples and discussions of war-related photos beginning with the [[w:Crimean War]] and continuing to the present day.
