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  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 2 months ago
    This message is for Wendell Potter. I am the daughter of Jo Joshua Godfrey, a Cigna Victim, who experinced first hand the atrocities outlined in your interview with Bill Moyer. She had lung cancer for years, however Cigna failed to inform her of this, even though they documented it in her medical records. She had a lot of media attention, so I am sure you are familiar with her case. Jo has recently released the press release below and created a website: "They Figured It Was Cheaper to Kill Me" Stevenson Ranch, CA, June 24, 2009 -- "They figured it was cheaper to kill me than to treat me," says lung cancer survivor Jo Joshua Godfrey of California, who beat gross insurance mismanagement in the nineties -- and now lives to talk about it. She testified before the California legislature and even helped deliver caskets to key legislators in protest. Now, after seeing a daughter and a grandson suffer at the hands of insurers, she is launching a non-profit to help reform health insurance, and plans to tell her story to local, state and federal legislators and other decision makers. "The goal of United Patients of America is to give a voice to people and families who feel they have been abused by insurers. It's an organization for the people. We want to provide people with resources and, as we develop funding, help to intervene in some cases," Godfrey says. The website includes testimonials as well as news on insurance runarounds and abuse. "If Congress is going to reform healthcare, they need to understand the problem. This is not a political issue. It's an issue about people, profits and proper oversight like with the banks," says Godfrey, a controller for a group of real estate holding companies. "More government is not necessarily the answer," Godfrey says, pointing to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling1 (Aetna Health, Inc. v. Davila) that she says cleared the way for HMOs to abuse consumers. "Government can impose policy caps and indemnities that do more to protect insurers than policyholders. --What we definitely do need," she emphasizes," are clear rules and real oversight." In her well documented case, after more than a dozen visits and x-rays for "breathing difficulties" at in-network medical clinics during a two-year span in the early nineties," Ms. Godfrey fought to see a physician outside the Cigna network. A Cigna employee stuck her neck out to give Godfrey her "lost" records. The outside physician quickly diagnosed the lung cancer -- and said it was evident on even the earliest images. The insurer also revealed that Ms. Godfrey had been treated at the clinics by physician assistants rather than physicians. Ms. Godfrey underwent surgery to remove the tumor and lymph nodes, and has been cancer free ever since. "Health insurance should not be abusive," she says. Ms. Godfrey has hired a New York area PR agency and is working with to get the word out on Capitol Hill. Need for Health Reform Systemic problems with health insurance persist and can threaten people's lives and quality of life, says Godfrey -- including now two more generations of her family. During her ordeal, Ms. Godfrey's then teenager daughter, Shannon, suffered chronically from acute headaches. She was misdiagnosed and treated for sinus problems at Cigna clinics when in fact a diseased bone was pushing through the orbit of her eye, threatening her eyesight. Last summer, another insurer denied coverage for her year-old grandson, Dylan, even though his cranial defect would present long-term difficulties that early intervention could correct. California law forbids such refusals, according to Jamie Court, a consumer advocate familiar with the case. Beyond care management, local access is another issue. In the case of two adult daughters, the nearest in-network doctor was more than an hour and a half's drive from a major city. Earlier this year, Vermont fined Cigna HealthCare and Magellan Health Services which contracts with Blue Cross Blue Shield, $20,000 for operating so called "phantom" provider networks -- listing doctors not actually accepting new patients.2 Vermont law requires insurers to update their lists every six months. "It's the same old story," Godfrey says. "What we have today is a system of delays, disavowals and denials -- with little or no oversight. Instead of helping to ensure health, companies try to deny coverage, and if they must pay, they look for any reason to delay or minimize payment. They can be really heartless. They try to outlast patients with cancer and other terminal illnesses -- people who can least afford it financially or emotionally -- and hope they will just go away." A determined smile crosses her lips. "They may be able to outlast some people, but as we get the truth out and we organize, they can't outlast us all."
  • Reply to: Books on Propaganda   15 years 2 months ago
    Straight from the horse's mouth: "How we advertised America" by George Creel
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 2 months ago
    TF, you think the VA health system works? Are you serious? .. You are correct when you say that the VA system is government-run health care and is unlike Medicare's insurance only system. That is the problem. .. Fact is, the US Government can't even deliver mail at a profit. Come on folks! Wake up! .. If you like the VA system, you apparently think that rationed health care (Priority Groups), means testing for benefits, and sub-standard procedures (dirty colonoscopy tubes) is the way to go. If the VA system is so good, why don't they do away with TriCare, Medicare, and other government health programs and use the VA system? .. The VA health system is what universal care run by the government would become....a disaster. Even governments with government-run health care are starting to see that. .. A few of the facts:
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter to Congress: Go Ahead, Please Make Our Day   15 years 2 months ago
    <blockquote>Govt. healthcare is not a good idea. </blockquote> How many times to you have to be told? In every other western democracy, government health care has worked well! <blockquote>Governments are well known for fudging up most everything...</blockquote> Well yes, U.S. governments, especially when the Republicans are in. Do you want to know how our government has already "fudged up" our health care? By allowing the bloodsucking for-profit HMOs to take it over, that's how. You want to know what doesn't work? That tired "socialized medicine doesn't work" mantra doesn't work. People are fed up with hearing it, and the for-profit insurers are sweating. You'd think the dittoheads would have realized that by now.
  • Reply to: CMD's Wendell Potter Interviewed by Amy Goodman   15 years 2 months ago
    Judging by some of the angry responses to my quoting statistics provided by the Canadian government funded Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), it appears that some people have lost sight of the health care goal the U.S. is seeking and resort to anger as proof of their sincerity and compassion for those being hurt by our current health care system. The Canadian government funded this agency to provide data on wait times impacting a patient’s health. The person who used Anonymous as the submitted name claims the statistics are false, and it does not make any difference anyway because at least everyone is covered. If the stats are false, then a Canadian funded agency is lying. Is that what the submitter means to say? As far as wait times being acceptable because everyone is covered, I suggest the person go to the CIHI website and understand the implications of the most recent wait-time report issued on April 23 of this year. Hip replacement within 26 weeks is within the acceptable benchmarks of the Canadian health care system. For the person waiting for the hip replacement, that can be 26 weeks of pain. The report covers knee replacements, by-pass surgery, and other procedures that mean the patient will have to endure the pain until an opening for doing the procedure is available. Apparently, this wait is acceptable to some (those not in pain) and no further improvement in the health care system is needed. Dr. David Gratzer is not arguing against some type of government involvement to achieve health care for all. He is arguing that there is a better way that does not involve patient’s waiting in pain. Read what he has written. Strong emotions should not take the place of thought.
