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  • Reply to: Chamber of Commerce Launches Massive "American Free Enterprise" Campaign   14 years 11 months ago
    A man who said he was waiting for a friend that worked at the Chamber of Commerce on Solano Avenue in Berkeley, asked to use my cell phone to call her to ask why she didn't show up. After his (bad actor) rambling, and at the end fake drooling, I had a hunch that he was affiliated with some right wing people, from the right wing comments he made. I don't keep up with the daily news in the area, but it does seem that right wing people are trying to take over the area. Also, today my e-mail was hacked, it could not be sent.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   14 years 11 months ago
    I suggest we need to redefine the common notions associated with healthcare. Obviously, healthcare is not just being treated by a doctor. Good nutrition and physical exercise are forms of healthcare. National defense is also a form of healthcare. We need to protect our bodies from harmful bacteria, viruses, terrorists, and invading armies. If we, as a nation, are willing to fund national defense initiatives to protect American lives than we should also be willing to federally fund decent healthcare for all Americans to protect their lives. As a nation, we are obviously willing to spend tremendous human and monetary resources to defend us from external forces. Just considering the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- we have lost many lives; many more have been physically and mentally injured; we have spent billions of dollars on waging the wars; and we have diverted precious human and physical resources away from more economically productive endeavors. In the Iraq war alone, over 4,000 soldiers have died and over 30,000 American soldiers have been injured. The military expenditure of human resources and monetary capital has been terribly expensive. By a conservative estimate, the United States military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost our nation well over $900 billion and the cost is steadily increasing. However, the actual cost is largely a secondary consideration mainly because our nation has been galvanized to defend ourselves from terrorist attacks. We are very motivated in our battle to save American lives from external forces. And because lives are at stake, our national defense has been performed without any notion of budget deficit neutrality. National defense is a form of national healthcare. We are quite willing to spend whatever is needed to protect us from external threats. Unfortunately, as a nation, we’re unwilling to protect all of our citizens by providing healthcare for them. Each year many people in this country die because they don’t have healthcare coverage at all or because they don’t have adequate healthcare coverage. Two reputable studies report we currently have either 20,000 or 45,000 people in the US dying each year because of a lack of healthcare coverage (Institute of Medicine study – “Analysis on the Impact of Uninsurance on Mortality” at and Harvard study - “Health Insurance and Mortality in U.S. Adults” at If we average the total deaths per year from the 2 studies, that’s 32,500 people dying each year just because they don’t have healthcare coverage. To many of us, the fact that 32,500 people needlessly die each year is a flat statistic. Please allow me to animate it. The number of people in the US dying each year for lack of healthcare coverage is approximately the same as the number of students enrolled at one of our large universities. If this degree of mortality occurred at universities over 8 years, it’s like all University of Iowa students died one year; all University of Utah students died the next year; all Boston University students died the next year; all University of Tennessee students died the next year; all George Mason University students died the next year; all Colorado State University students died the next year; all University of Kansas students died the next year; and all San Diego State University students died the next year. This represents more than 230,000 people dying in 8 years simply because they didn’t have healthcare coverage. This is a disaster and it is preventable! President Obama and many other elected representatives have stated they want a healthcare reform bill that will not increase the federal deficit. Given the annual death toll from insufficient healthcare coverage, how can we ever begin to consider that this problem should only be solved in a manner that doesn’t increase government spending?!? Have we as a people and our democratically-elected representatives lost our minds? I’m outraged at this type of mean-spirited solution. We need to stop the needless suffering and dying in this country by supporting decent healthcare coverage for all – even if we have to spend some money to do it. It’s worth it.
  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   14 years 11 months ago

    One comment fits all........from Ronald Reagan

    "A government that can give you ALL that you want can take from you, ALL that you have"..........

    The USA has survived quite well with our system of government. Why are we trying to change so radically ?

    Remember what Premier Kruschiev (spelling is wrong) said many years ago...."Russia will never have to worry about destroying America, America will destroy itself from withihn"....looks like he had some foresight. God save us all.

  • Reply to: CMD's Wendell Potter Exposes Health Insurance PR   14 years 11 months ago
    The war against Obama's health care for the people programs is a part of the total war against the overall "changes" Obama talks about. This war is being waged by the powers that have benefited the most from our for profit health system, and our corrupt economy which values money more than the lives of people. We should be designing new systems that will bring a good quality of life to all people. Our present system is collapsing and chaos will result if we are not prepared for the transition. I am researching ways to peacefully change the system.
  • Reply to: New Oil and Coal Fronts Greenwash Global Warming   14 years 11 months ago

    The more I learn about Hunt Oil the more I realize how profoundly reactionary this company is. I've worked in oil for 30 years and Hunt is about the bottom of the barrel in respecting aboriginal rights, cooperating with the Bush regime and funding reactionary politics. They give the entire industry a black eye by living up to the worst things people expect of the oil industry.
