Recent comments

  • Reply to: Sneaky Manufacturers Shrink Packaging, While Keeping Prices the Same   14 years 11 months ago

    they're putting the new weight on all of the packages, so why is it their fault? the skippy peanut butter jars show on the labelling that they are 2 ounces less than usual.

  • Reply to: It's Plain in Maine   14 years 11 months ago
    In the Insurance Industry's 60-Year War on Americans, the daily casualty rate is now 122 dead citizens, each and every day. (45, 000 a year of people who die simply because of lack of health coverage.) If we had military casualties to this ghastly extent, what (government!) resources wouldn't we unquestioningly deploy to bloody fix it? Taking for granted excellent nationwide universal health coverage, my Canadian businessman friend (no bleeding heart liberal he) said to me, "What the Hell is the matter with you people?" To which I have no answer, only tears.
  • Reply to: It's Plain in Maine   14 years 11 months ago
    Mr. Potter is quite right. Frankly, Senator Snow's opposition to the public option <a href="">strikes me as self-contradictory</a>.
  • Reply to: New Oil and Coal Fronts Greenwash Global Warming   14 years 11 months ago

    CO2 shall be "REGULATED" as a pollutant. Neither is water a pollutant, but too much and you drown!

    This is not rocket science

  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   14 years 11 months ago

    "A government that can give you ALL that you want can take from you, ALL that you have"..........

    The same is true of corporations, especially if they're big enough to own your government.

    I agree, Khrushchev had it right.
