Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    Perhaps if more women had guns LEGALLY and knew how to use them through regular practice on a professional range, they would not be the victims of violence.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    All of us liberal gun nuts like us members of the Blue Steel Democrats (an official caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon) are just compensating for something, misogynistic blatantly using weapons and black helicopters against the wimmins, because we don't really want to help with cancer.

    Oh wait, Julie is a woman, trying to help other women. And women never own firearms in order to protect themselves.

    Oh...And what does your qualification of "violent deaths" have to do with cancer? And since we're on that topic anyway, how many times per year do women in this country use firearms to defend themselves?

    You're not doing yourselves a services with this knee jerk partisanship here.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    actually to the contrary firearms do not make the list of CDC top ten things that kill women. firearms have probably saved more women's lives then you realize.

    I commend S&W for donating to breast cancer and providing firearms that have saved countless lives.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    In your world a woman beaten and raped or murdered is morally superior to a woman that chose to defend herself with a gun. That is a very scary world!

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    No, you missed the point that a world class athlete, Julie Goloski, is offering for sale a copy of the exact piece of sports equipment she wins with in international competition. and a portion of the sales will be donated to Breast Cancer research. This should be about as controversial as Lance Armstrong raffling off his Tour de France bike for cancer research.

    more facts

    Total # of women who die from Breast cancer in 2005

    Total gunshot deaths in women, all causes, including suicide (2006)
    4,050 this includes 2,149 firearm suicides and 1,901 firearm homicides.

    so basically, guns are involved in less than one tenth the number of annual deaths of women than breast cancer.

    for some sort of comparison as to rarity of death by violence of all types,

    this shows how homicide deaths OF ALL CAUSES in women are ranked 15th, after heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, unintentional injury, diabetes, suicide, hypertension, and even Parkinson's Disease.

    so basically, this whole thing can break down to PR Watch shrieking "EEEK a GUN!!!111eleventy!!
