Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    I wonder how many womens lives are SAVED each year due to the aid of a firearm. No mention of that in the post. Also, that report is misleading in several areas. The actual data is from 2005 not 2008. Only 16 states participate in the program that the data is pulled from. Data from FBI statistics reports 16,740 total murders or 2005, the survey for violent death claims an estimated 50,000 deaths, as they include suicide in those figures, which happens to make up 57% of that number. Also included in the numbers are legal intervention deaths. i.e police shooting, justified self defense shootings, etc.

    Ford, Mercedes and BMW all contribute to BCA and I can GUARANTEE that more woman are killed by improper use of their products than from firearms.

    Julie is doing her part in the effort and should be commended, not chastised for the criminal low life thugs that use a firearm to commit violence against ANYBODY.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    So, would you have a problem with Breast Cancer Awareness kitchen knives, because they can be used in crime, too? What about a Breast Cancer Awareness car? Do you know how many people die in vehicle collisions?

    Blame the person using the object. Don't blame inanimate objects for the crimes committed.

    I'm pretty sure Julie Goloski's "evil" guns have never committed any crimes.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    We can eliminate a leading cause of death among women by outlawing the manufacture of a certain "device"? Alert the press! Think how many lives we would save by getting rid of automobiles, and, while we're at it, how about airplanes? If those dang pesky airplanes had been outlawed on September 11, would could have avoided the loss of 3,000 lives. There are all manner of "devices" one could use to cause the demise of another (include bare hands and fists).

    I commend Smith & Wesson and Julie Golob Golowski. They are doing a wonderful thing by donating a portion of proceeds to raise awareness of breast cancer.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    According to ( in 2006, 1,836 women were victims murdered by males in a single victim setting. 1.29 of 100,000 women were killed by an intimate male or husband. And only 54% were killed with a firearm.

    Have you looked up any other common causes of women death?
    >13 in 100,000 die from childbirth
    1 in 40 die from breast cancer! or 2500 in 100,000!!!!

    You have 10 times more of a chance of dying during childbirth than being murdered with a firearm. And a whole 1937 times more of a chance of dying from breast cancer than being murdered with a firearm.

    Get your facts straight and go after guns. I wish I could find the number of women that use firearms in self defense and saved their lives. Or probably even greater would be the number of men using firearms to save their girlfriend, wife, etc.

    Remember one thing. If guns were illegal, the only people that would have them would be cops, and criminals. Criminals will always be able to get guns. Then if you happen to be in a bank with a hostage situation, you're gonna wish there was a normal citizen with a gun when it takes on US average 22 minutes for cops to arrive.

    Statements like your makes me sick.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    Geez, Julie's a class act just trying to do a bit of good in the world, as is S&W.

    Quit being such hoplophobic jackasses.
