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  • Reply to: Bill Moyers Journal Features CMD's Wendell Potter   14 years 10 months ago
    Dear Mr. Potter, First, I would like to congratulate you on speaking out against the corruption of the health insurance companies. I am a strong supporter of the health care bill, and I recently watched your interview on Bill Moyers’ Journal about these corporations. After viewing the show, I saw your courage and honesty as a sign of hope in the effort for health care reform. I admire your integrity, because I would have found it difficult to speak out if I were in your position. Your inside knowledge of the issue was refreshing, and I felt that your breakdown of the system was eye opening and instrumental in helping me understand the background and motives of the insurance companies. I couldn’t agree more with your analysis, but I found it shocking the measures the health care industry would take to gain more profit, even if it meant rejecting or letting go of policy holders. In addition, I found your rebuttal to those opposed to the reform bill to be well argued and supported by strong evidence. Although I espouse the capitalist system, it is imperative that people understand that health insurance cannot be dealt in such a manner. It seems that many who see the reform as dangerous to America’s free market economy fail to realize that the health care industry is unique in that it deals with the lives of people, not products. However, the companies treat their policyholders as such - not as human beings, but as numbers in a statistic. Your insight into the hypocrisy and scare tactics of the insurance companies was illuminating, but I still fail to grasp that many Americans, in ignorance, fall for these traps and criticize the “socialism” of a government-run health care policy. Though I felt that the interview was eye opening, I believe that many Americans are unaware of the problems you addressed. I find myself berated each day for my support of the bill, and am shocked that the arguments I often face have been outlined and rebuked in your interview. I encourage you to continue in your efforts to spread your knowledge, and hope that you are successful in your effort. Best regards, Matthew Chan Stuart Hall High School '11
  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 10 months ago

    Take a look at this product, a pink knife.***-IMPULSE/Detail

    Then read this sad news story,0,517517.story

    In short, man attacks and kills ex girlfriend with knife, police use gun to stop the attack. Tell me again what tools are bad?

  • Reply to: The Mormon Proposition   14 years 10 months ago

    Lets make this easy. Federal and or state laws for CIVIL UNION should guarantee legal rights to all couples. Establishing the committment of the relationship, and ensuring that people can include their "partner" in insurance, wills, inheritance, etc., etc., The Civil Union is required as the legal/foundational step for all, whereas "marriage" can be the term used for spiritual joining of a couple, not required for legal purposes. Let each church have choice and freedom to establish standards for marriage in their church according to their doctrine. Some will, some won't go for it. But at least this separates church and state and legal vs. doctrinal. Mormons are supposed to believe in free agency and choice and to let others worship where, when, and how they please. So be it. If Mormons want to attact people to the Church, their standards are plain to see, and for people to choose. This should not be a political battle. The Church is harming the good image they have worked years to create by entering into the political arena.

  • Reply to: Conspiratorial Skeptic   14 years 10 months ago

    "Go ahead. Google record lows for 2009!"

    I did, and at the top of the page I found what you apparently intended:

    But I also found this, which strikes me as more credible:

    And FWIW, I live in northern New England and I just finished an enjoyable four-mile outdoor workout in shorts and T-shirt. Breezy, but far from freezing. You wouldn't guess it was mid-November.

  • Reply to: Conspiratorial Skeptic   14 years 10 months ago

    Record High Temperatures Far Outpace Record Lows Across U.S. November 12, 2009

    BOULDER—Spurred by a warming climate, daily record high temperatures occurred twice as often as record lows over the last decade across the continental United States, new research shows.
