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  • Reply to: Experts: Comcast's Acquisition of NBC May End Free TV   14 years 9 months ago

    Yes-we ARE just the peons who PAY for everyone's bail-outs and deficits and everyone elses healthcare- tho we have none. Sure, take away our free antenna t.v. too-- All the millions of us who won't be seeing your ads -to buy your products, pay your help etc. Senior citizens with some money won't be spending it, either, on your new products(that they won't be seeing without t.v.) Come to think of it -it will probably SAVE us peons mucho bucks too---not spending on all the ideas the wealthier people think of to get us to support THEM. We won't have any entertainment-except books-that tell us "How Not to Let the Big Guys Get the Better of Us". Probably we should be reading a lot more-BUT that IS OUR choice to watch t.v. or read a book. I CHOOSE to VOTE OUT these People who support this, along with the people who cannot stop "over spending", and putting PORK into the bills getting passed. I have had ENOUGH-paying the wealthy's way with nothing in return-not even t.v.

  • Reply to: Health Insurance Industry Shifts Focus   14 years 9 months ago

    There seem to be 3 small things left to push for in this essentially lobby-written bill as it goes to conference. ((I'm a stalwart Medicare4All person, but even Medicare4More seems lost lost lost for now, horribly.)

    3 things: 90% MLR(Medical Loss Ratio). National Exchange. Anti-trust laws -- that the Insurance Corporations be subject to the anti-trust laws.

    AND us sane & humane should NEVER EVER utter the phrase "single payer" again. We should always and only say Medicare4All. Single Payer has too much baggage -- "socialist"; "European." The Republicans hate Medicare (and Social Security) but they don't dare really bad-mouth them.

  • Reply to: Experts: Comcast's Acquisition of NBC May End Free TV   14 years 9 months ago

    I was there in the early 1970s when cable TV was started; it was $9.95 per month and NO commercials. After enough people got hooked the commercials started then the rate increases came. I started with satellite TV in 1998 when it was $19.95 per month. Every six months they raised the price until it reached $54.95 per month. Then I dropped it and went back to antenna TV.

    Then the free over the air TV went to a digital signal this June. I live in Daytona Beach and we get our TV from the Orlando stations. The digital signal comes and goes. Some days I get every channel clear and sharp, other days I am lucky to get one channel. Right at the most important moment the signal will click off and might be gone for the rest of the night. OTA digital TV is a disaster.

    The TV providers probably don’t care about the millions of antenna users because we are the poor. The loss of 5 to 10% of their market does not seem to worry them. The other 90% will pay and pay, not worrying one little bit about the cost, $10 a day, no problem those suckers will pay it.

    As for me and several million others just like me if the credit card companies wanted to charge me to use their product I will stop using them and I WILL STOP USING THE TV. Back to a good book.

  • Reply to: Brace for a "Jobless Decade"   14 years 9 months ago
    This economic crash should have been expected. It mirrors 1929 except for one thing; they had jobs to recover to and today we don’t. It started years ago, when business leaders saw that Americans were being paid ten times what foreign workers earned. So after paying the one-tenth in wages, shipping costs, and paying off the politicians for making it all happen, the CEOs could quadruple their personal income. The rest is history. They chose and you lost. See the rest of the article here:
  • Reply to: Lessons Learned From Tobacco Control Should be Applied to Climate Policy   14 years 9 months ago
    It may well be true that fluctuations in global temperature happen regularly in the earth's history but there is not much doubt that we are adding to any recent increase by burning fossil fuels. Read Howard Zinn. "You cannot stay neutral on a moving train" and you might see why CMD is taking the stance it is. As regards the 31,000 "scientists" who say there is no problem, what are their real qualifications and, more importantly, who is funding them? CMD have often shown how all pervasive is spin particularly when financed by organisations with huge funds available.
