Recent comments

  • Reply to: Bernanke: Wrong Speech, Wrong Nominee   14 years 9 months ago
    Bernanke supposedly got a Doctorate by studying the Depression. Geez, I think that degree ought to be rescinded. He seems clueless (just like most of Obummer's cabinet) and ought to be FIRED with the rest of them, INCLUDING Obummer.
  • Reply to: War is Fun as Hell   14 years 9 months ago
    I also love to play was games and I don`t think there is any violence increasing activity anybody can learn, at a computer gaming conference earlier this year, the Frag Dolls were deployed as booth babes at the America's Army demo,
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   14 years 9 months ago
    So you are ok with the services, but you don't want to pay? Do you think Wall Street has our best interests in mind where it comes to health care? I don't. This is a fundamental part of living in a society. You pay for fire departments even if you don't use them. Millions of people pay for schools, even when they don't have children... because it makes for a better society. It seems to me that the conservatives in this country are so paranoid that a penny of their taxes are going to go for something they don't benefit from. It is the same greed that got us into the current economic crisis. My wife has an inoperable brain tumor. I'm scared to death of losing my job because of the economy. Put yourself, for once, in someone else's shoes. Ever heard of the term "pre-existing condition"? It is the first thought in an insurance company's list of ways to deny coverage. How fair is that???
  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   14 years 9 months ago
    Sorry David Berman. But my name is David Berman too. No kidding. And I have a son named Rick Berman. And as unimportant as that is, I am very concerned how unsuspecting “consumers” just buy whatever drivel they are fed by the media. The proof of this is easy to find. When you have studied a subject deeply - and know it well - do you usually agree with a five word headline the media reports on this subject? If you’re honest, you know the answer is no. The popular media has neither the time, nor the need, nor any desire to find the truth. Just a headline for today to make some noise and grab some ratings. Tomorrow is a new day. Everything at one time or another is either good for you or bad for, depending on the day of the week. Everyone loves to make a champ a chump – we love to watch the rich and famous fall on their faces. It’s great for ratings and takes our minds off the real problems we should be concentrating on. The untold tragedy of people acting on incorrect science or purported truths is immense. Greater than the purported “evil” forces behind the PR firms. But isn’t our democracy based on equal rights? Aren’t we allowed to present all sides and options? Why should we let the media pick for us what science or purported truth is to be believed? Until such time as we are taught not to believe whatever we see on TV and to think for ourselves and seek out the truth we need more people to take the opposite side. Regardless how ridiculous such an opposing view may seem. It is precisely this debate that ensures that the truth actually gets into the light. Otherwise, it will be left to the “good government folks” whose only interest is staying in power, to tell us what to think, what to do and what laws to follow. Nonsense. God bless Richard Berman. And as for his son David, he grew up and did what he wanted to do. He followed his own dream. Why does he think his father should not have the same right?
  • Reply to: Taco Bell Seeks PR Antidote to E. Coli Cases   14 years 9 months ago

    Taco Bell is now trying a diet menu. That is another flop.
