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  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   14 years 9 months ago
    Dear Mr.Potter: You spent a lot of words and writing space to prove that you a sincere convert from eater of luxery food from golden plate china on the private jet to a brave fighter for suffering folks in Wise County. We (I) belive you.But where is your solution to the problem of Health Care ?From insurence industry where 17 cents from each dollar goes to "administrative expenses" to Publick Option ? Sorry if I misunderstood you, but YES-public option is a way to socialism, and what socialism made to Health Care- you ask me who spent 18 years working in that "system" as a physician ! Ask us,doctors,who were trying and probably went close to the best solution -give money to The People and make them to decide how and where to spend in on the Healh Care . Give me the name of only one insurance company which sells so called Catostrophic Health Ins. No one . And for the good reason-will be very difficult to get private jets with flight attendants in mini-skirts and oysters on the golden plates.So make the rules for insurance industry, but do not advertise "public option". With "public option" you will see your Doctor or Dentist in animal stalls Wise County type-believe me ( I spent many years in medical training) this poor folks did not get too much care there,although these Doctors and Nurses are real and nameless herous of our time ).So you right about insurance industry who never been the "compasionate and loving peoples" ,but do not leap in another extreme of Anglo-Canadians type of medical paradise . Respectfully V.Roman,MD
  • Reply to: Experts: Comcast's Acquisition of NBC May End Free TV   14 years 9 months ago

    Wouldn't it be possible for new groups to start local over the air TV broadcasting companies like there used to be? Aren't those airwaves available now? Maybe they won't be the glitziest, but back in the 1950s some of the most creative TV happened live (and local).

  • Reply to: Judith Miller Lands at Fox News   14 years 9 months ago

    Whomever wrote this article on Judith Miller is atypical left wing nut. She is a very classy reporter. Did the writer of this article have a Pulitzer Prize?

  • Reply to: Anonymous Funder Fills Sails of Pro-Nuclear "Documentary"   14 years 9 months ago

    This article seems to be insinuating something nefarious. I too am working on a documentary about nuclear power for the past year. I would love it if some "Anonymous Funder" came to me and gave me a huge amount of money to finish my movie. What I learned after a year of investigation was that nuclear power not only has the best safety record of any energy source known to man. But is the only source of energy with enough energy density to satisfy future energy demand.

  • Reply to: Experts: Comcast's Acquisition of NBC May End Free TV   14 years 9 months ago

    If the networks want to go 100% pay-tv, then fine.
    That will force local stations to produce programs that better suit the needs of the locals viewers. That's what they are supposed to do, after all.
    The airwaves belong to the people and are to be service for the benefit of the people.
    This also opens the airwaves to micro-power TV stations run by small creative groups who are not bought by the corporations.
