Recent comments

  • Reply to: Thank you for Demanding a Full Investigation of AHIP's Double-Dealing   14 years 8 months ago
    Dear Mr. Davis: Thank you for taking the time to write in about these unbelievable misplaced priorities. I think these are moral issues, too! Even though it seems so hard to change this situation we have to start somewhere and not give up. Lisa Lisa Graves Executive Director
  • Reply to: Sarah Palin, FOXey Lady   14 years 8 months ago

    Dear menckenlite:
    I do want to thank you for your comment, even though we have different views.

    I know there has been a lot of spin about the russia comment, but I wanted to make sure you and others can see the actual interviews in which Ms. Palin suggested that her credentials to serve as Vice President were related to Alaska's proximity to Russia, which SNL did lampoon. Here are the two videos that document, in her own words, this suggestion. I hope you will find them useful.

    1) Original comment she made in her interview with Charles Osgood:
    2) Effort to clarify her comment in her interview with Katie Couric:

    Lisa Graves, Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy

  • Reply to: Sarah Palin, FOXey Lady   14 years 8 months ago

    The intensely irrational reaction of liberals and Democrats to Sarah Plain who says what she thinks is an amazing phenomenon. Her appearances on Fox TV will enable her to respond to the outrageous distortions made about her by cruel ignorant hateful citizens. How many journalists no less viewers still think she said that she can see Russia for her home when it was comedienne Tina Fey who said that? Too many citizens of this nation are embarrassingly ignorant with all of the media access available. It is shameful that so many people express their stupidity toward this courageous woman. With current technology it is not necessary for her to travel to luxurious studios. She can do commentary from anywhere with a TV hook-up, which is anywhere. More power to her. See also

  • Reply to: Thank you for Demanding a Full Investigation of AHIP's Double-Dealing   14 years 8 months ago
    It is truly a travisty when the richest corporations in the U.S. team up to deprive poor and working class people of much needed reforms that could enhance the lives of those that have so little in comparison. Why can't the richest people in this country show some compassion for those whom they have profited so much from. Is it really necessary for them to have another boat or million dollar house at the expense of people who can barely afford their rent and struggle to heat their homes and buy food. When will it all end, and who will stand up and say, enough is enough! Will It be YOU Mr. Politician? I certainly hope so!
  • Reply to: Greedwashing on Wall Street   14 years 8 months ago
    This is ALL simply NOT okay. I fear America is on the verge of economic COLLAPSE and RUIN of monumental proportions! This greed simply CANNOT continue. This reminds me of that song, "When will they ever learn?" I fear that America is on the verge of absolutely MONUMENTAL, CATASTROPHIC collapse. One of these other emerging world powers will then take over in world dominance. The Bible even predicts that these events will occur and you can "see" the writing on the wall with ALL of the greedy decisions that are repeatedly and continuously being made. All America needs yet is a natural disaster or two; a few earthquakes, etc. and then they will lose their power and position. There will be a shift then. I'm NOT looking forward to this, nor do I want to see this occur but I feel that it is ONLY a matter of time before we will see this happen.
