Recent comments

  • Reply to: Organized Campaigns to Cyber-Bully Climate Scientists?   14 years 7 months ago

    I commend the personnel at this website for providing this important information to the public. In Germany during the 1920's and early 1930's, the storm troopers (SA) provided a similar service, i.e. intimidation of political opponents, for Hitler and the Nazi party during their rise to power. In light of the tendency of the American right to resort to violence these days, e.g. the murder of an abortion provider, perhaps its time for the left to consider developing its own paramilitary organization, as did the German Social Democratic party, to combat the right-wing thugs. I'm curious about the source(s) of funding for this campaign of intimidation. In any event, these threats should be taken seriously.

  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   14 years 7 months ago

    I find the behavior of the Blackwater mercenaries to be criminal, and in my opinion, the company is liable for their actions.

  • Reply to: A New Way to Enjoy Nicotine Addiction   14 years 7 months ago

    I think that compared to dip snus sounds like a great idea. I am sick of people spitting all over the place at least it would stop that.

  • Reply to: Goldman's Golden Fleece   14 years 7 months ago
    UH...some psychological projection in the letter writer's use of the ad hominem "the pitchfork crowd". In American folk usage, the pitchfork is in the hands of the guy with the red skin, horns, and tail, much more resembling Goldman Sachs' purchase of the lives and souls of the Greek citizenry who will pay Goldman, win or lose. Like Enron's inner workings, shielding the general public and regulators (if any) from understanding was essential to the subprime mortgage/credit default swap scheme. Likewise Madoff. Likewise Goldman/ Greece. When writing to convey expertise, and to say the public hasn't a prayer of understanding, it would show sincerity to give detail in place of professional terms. Tell us why a currency swap was in Greece's interest, the consequence of the use of lookback over spot timing. Further, who was running the government, and what was the rationale? Who did the deal for Goldman? And who dimed to Der Spiegel? Why now?
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    Jeanette, 1. Yes we eat dove. It is very good BBQ'd. We then dry and use the wings to train our hunting dogs. Most people who hunt doves EAT them afterwards. Pigeons are another story and yes they are usually pegged off for nuisance issues as well as HEALTH issues and no they are not eaten. You will find however that it is the government that is killing these birds and not individuals. 2. HSUS tried unsuccessfully to ban dove hunting in several states including Michigan. Wayne Pacelle is anti meat anti hunting anti companion animal all the way around. He has said the following: a. He has NO hands on fondness for animals. b. If he has his way there will be no companion animals. c. He does not like his girlfriends cat. d. He lied to Congress and was caught. .... I could go on but this is enough for now. 3. Canned hunts do not exist except in the Animal Rights world of fantasy. No one hunts an animal in an enclosure. This is pure propaganda and shows your ignorance of hunting heritage. 4. My facts come straight from the mouth and actions of HSUS, Whiney Wayne and his ilk. Please feel free to read some of his material that is not propaganda on the HSUS website. Maybe read the story about Wayne and the Black Beauty Ranch. That one is a true eye opener ... written by one of your Animal Rights ilk. 5. HSUS has John Goodwin. Remember him he is a terrorist and a former member of Animal Liberation League. You know the group that went around bombing buildings, burning homes, and releasing mink -(who ultimately died from inability to survive in the wild).... There are two or three other terrorists in that group of individuals as well. People who support HSUS support the total annihilation of Companion Animals. The total devastation of the family farm and our meat supply. And they don't even suport a single shelter in the entire country. All their money is spent on lobbying for their Animal Rights agenda. Support your local NO KILL rescues and shelters.... Nancy
