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  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    I so glad you "like your dove BBQ'd! That's about the only fact you've gotten right so far. Nancy, I know you like Dove, but you really must stop getting "facts" from meat and tobacco industry front groups... The mink you are referring to (released by the "terrorists you are referring to), ultimately survived. It is a fact that mink (even one's raised in captivity on filthy fur farms) are very adaptable and do survive in the wild. I am guessing that it wouldn't have bothered you if the same animals had "ultimately died" buy being suffocated, strangled or electrocuted up the annus (a common method of execution on fur farms)? "Most fur-bearing animals are raised in fur ranches with as many as 100,000 wild animals in a single facility. They are kept in cramped, dingy, waste soaked cages where many suffer or perish from dehydration, starvation, disease or self-mutilation. These animals do not receive even minimal protections, as the handling and killing of cage raised, fur bearing animals is not regulated by any U.S. laws. Many ranch raised animals are anally or vaginally electrocuted. A metal conductor is lodged in the animal's throat and an electric prod is shoved inside the rectum, transmitting a 240 volt shock. The conscious animal convulses for two or more minutes before succuming to a massive heart attack. To minimize expenses, animals have their necks broken; are injected with strychnine or asphyxiated with carbon monoxide from engine exhaust." Releasing these poor animals was also instrumental in helping to shut down that filthy industry. I am guessing that it doesn't bother you that mink, fox, companion animals and sometimes children, are killed/ injured in steel leg hold traps. I am guessing that it does not phase you that 25 % of them escape by chewing their own legs off... I am guess that you or your "ilk" wouldn't dream of complaining about animals, wild life and pets taking three days to die in steel traps? "Millions of coyote, raccoon, bobcats and other species are caught in the wild using spring traps with metal teeth that shatter their bones. Animals can linger in excruciating pain for days on the trap line without water or food until the trapper returns to crush, shoot, suffocate or drown them. Two to 10 times as many non target animals (dogs, cats, deer, birds, livestock) are caught in the traps. About one quarter of trapped animals escape by chewing their own limbs off." Who do you think your kidding? Canned hunting is a "myth"? I happen to live in a county that actually has a fox pen, they have been trying to close it down for years. Support your local no kill? And what about the other animals? Support spay/neuter and end breeding for profit. According to Nancy "People who support HSUS support the total annihilation of Companion Animals." What? People who support HSUS support the annihilation of puppy mills, dog fighting, chained dogs, etc. How does this translate? Are you telling me that none of the 10 million members of HSUS have pets or work with animals? I have two dogs and three cats and volunteer in a shelter walking dogs. Occasionally, shelters get former hunting dogs dumped there by their compassionate owners because they didn't like to hunt or were "defective" in some way. Last year we got 60 puppy mill breeding dogs who had been abused for years. Black Beauty Ranch is evil now too? "The Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch is a world-renowned animal sanctuary in Murchison, Texas. Its nearly 1,300 acres are home to more than 1,200 domestic and exotic animals, many of whom have been rescued from near-death situations such as slaughterhouses, biomedical research laboratories, and trophy hunting ranches. Others are discards from circuses or roadside zoos, or were former victims of the exotic pet trade. Still others have come from public lands where they were threatened with extermination by the federal government. Bison and cattle, horses and burros, antelope and apes, camels and llamas, all have permanent, safe homes at the ranch, which was founded in 1979 by Cleveland Amory, author and animal advocate." Yea, I can see what you mean Nancy. This is all very disturbing. According to Nancy: "The total devastation of the family farm and our meat supply. And they don't even suport a single shelter in the entire country. All their money is spent on lobbying for their Animal Rights agenda." What planet do you reside on? The "total devastation" of the family farm, has already happened, thanks to groups like CCF who get their operating funds from Tyson Foods, Cargill and Pilgrims Pride... You think these filthy operations are "family farms"? They abuse animals, the environment and beat their own workers when they try to strike. Cargill is being sued for an e-coli outbreak which severely injured several people and permanently crippled a 22 year old woman. Besides, meat is not good for you and it's bad for the planet, but then I am guessing that you don't believe in the "myth" of environmentalism and global warming either. Even if you can't wrap you brain around the fact that "our meat supply", was once living breathing beings, capable of feeling pain who have been abused, degraded and tortured from birth, at least drop the "family farm" propaganda. CCF and USDA subsidies that have destroyed farm communities by supporting greedy corporate farming. You and your "ilk" are the "terrorists", because you terrorize. Wayne Pacelle has done as much for animals as any one person has ever done, regardless of whether he "likes his girl friend's cat". Please. I could go on, but that's enough for now.
  • Reply to: Geithner, AIG, Goldman: The Story that Keeps on Ticking   14 years 7 months ago
    nice post
  • Reply to: Republican National Committee Presentation Pushes Fear to Raise Funds   14 years 7 months ago

    The Joker and Socialism? The Joker was all about Anarchy. Stupid Republicans. They can't even get their insults right.

  • Reply to: Republican National Committee Presentation Pushes Fear to Raise Funds   14 years 7 months ago

    Newsy yet biased news, just like the lamestream media!! Oh but then, isn't your
    name Center for Mediocracy?

  • Reply to: The Right Wing Media's Lie Machine   14 years 7 months ago
    See and links for 50 yrs in the making to take America down one mind at a time as Bush speech and the energy will be fine was his quote.
