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  • Reply to: State Insurance Commissioners Take Baton from Congress   14 years 5 months ago
    Mr. Potter, After viewing a recent documentary on your "coming out of the closet" as Mr. Bates writes, I applaud you for having the strength and courage to do what is right and continue the fight for it. I wish I had the opportunity to attend one of your speaking events. I don't know if this is a reply that is properly directed towards Mr. Bates or to you. However, I respectfully ask the question, has it not been considered that congressional members really do know "what is happening" with regard to the health care crisis in this country? The 'town hall meetings' that most representatives had in their states should have provided the insight into part of the problem if the numerous calls and letters weren't enough. Is it possible that congressional members choose to say they don't know simply to retain the support of the constituents on both sides of the health care issue? Members look innocent by saying they don't really know what is going on but how is this possible? It's not new information that premiums continue to increase and insurance companies continue to report record profits while more people file bankruptcy or die because they can't afford insurance, treatment/care. People, insured and not, have been paying the price in an unfair and downright appalling insurance process for a long time. I have worked on both sides of the industry. It is more believable that nearly all congressional members are informed and possibly have found it difficult to turn down any money offered by controlling companies i.e, big insurance co, drug co,with powerful lobbyists that work to keep things the same, simply to further their own political careers while keeping money in the pockets of those big companies. With this process, it's a win- win for the politicians and the insurance companies. Just how does one ensure a congressional member is not being corrupted in a system that claims to represent the people? Perhaps if we solve this piece, 'we the people' can be sure the power struggle is no longer favoring of big insurance and is truly working for the people. Thank you for all that you are doing to make it right!
  • Reply to: The SEC vs. Goldman: The Kitty has Claws   14 years 5 months ago
    An “octopus wrapped around the face of humanity” as one journalist put it; the New World Banking Order has arrived. In 2009 speculative, uncontrolled derivatives were the Worlds largest market at an estimated 600 Trillion. The Worlds total economic output was an estimated 58.07 Trillion and the total World bond market was an estimated 82.2 Trillion. Yet, there is no “crime” that the bankers can be charged with as they bankrupt citizens and Nations into the New World Order? The appropriate criminal charge should be Treason to the American People and our Democratic Republic and Constitution. The members of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group in government and banking who conspired to overthrow our soverenity as an independent nation, who conspired to bankrupt our Treasury with three unjust Wars and multinational corporate “rolling” bailouts, conspired to control mass media “free Press” propaganda, conspired and manipulated “financial crisis” for their own gain, conspired to “relocate” American industry and technology, conspired to offshore “American Income Tax”, and who have conspired to enslave American citizens with National debt (about $64,000 per citizen) and personal debt. Deserve the death sentence by firing squad for Treason. Obama, your New World Order is Totalitarian and we Patriots, American free citizens, will fight for our Democracy, Independence and Freedom.
  • Reply to: Can Eating Junk Food Cure Breast Cancer?   14 years 5 months ago
    Do you have any idea what is in theirs and even the average grocery store chicken? Chicken - fried grilled or whatever, there are antibiotics, growth hormones, carcenigins,(sp) it is pure cancer causing poision period- aside from the obious artery clogging heart issues and obesity, the chicken is synthetic and not chicken,, although it may look like chicken
  • Reply to: Can Eating Junk Food Cure Breast Cancer?   14 years 5 months ago
    Hmm. Not sure I want to contribute to organizations who create such alliances like those with KFC and such. REAL PREVENTION In fact THE best cancer prevention (besides plain ole' healthy eating and living) is maintaining proper vitamin D levels. Having a Vitamin D blood level of 40 or above has shown to reduce breast cancer (as well as colon cancer and maybe others as testing goes on) by 78%.) Testing continues and if the results of these tests continue along the same arc, more vitamin D may increase that prevention figure even more. Breast cancer virtually “eradicated” with higher levels of vitamin D BIGGER QUESTIONS What aren't these breast cancer prevention campaigns focused on making sure everyone knows about the significance of VitaD on cancer and are getting tested and supplementing (which costs about $0.05 a day or less) VIDEO Vitamin D Prevents Cancer: Is It True? ARTICLES Is vitamin D deficiency casting a cloud over your health? Vitamin D Scientists’ Call to Action Statement
  • Reply to: GOP Sends Out Fake "Census" Forms   14 years 5 months ago

    I got mine today and I am deeply offended by it. As a former census worker, I know how these scams (and it is a scam by the GOP) makes it harder for census workers to do their jobs. People will insist they returned their census form in all honesty, not knowing they returned a fake.

    I just left the Republican party.
