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  • Reply to: Why Facts No Longer Matter   14 years 5 months ago
    In many publications, [[cause marketing]] and affinity marketing are defined as the same thing. * [ The Case for Cause Marketing] (pdf) * [ How Social-Cause Marketing Affects Consumer Perceptions] I doubt many readers would recognize or value the fine difference between a "PR strategy" and a "subset of PR." They are both PR. Sure, exploiting emotions for financial or policy gain is not illegal, and that is probably one reason why it is so pervasive. But I disagree with your opinion that exploiting people's emotions is never shady or deceptive. It is highly manipulative and just plain creepy. It's the kind of thing we at CMD strive to expose. As for CMD's fundraising appeals, if you look you will see they are very straightforward. We encourage people to evaluate our work, and make a donation if they find it valuable. Our appeal currently on [[SourceWatch]] says, quite plainly, "If you've found this information on the people, organizations, and issues shaping the public agenda helpful, please make a tax-deductible donation now." That's it. No emotional appeals, no trickery. The strategy of exploiting emotion for gain hasn't been quantified, but it is easy to see it's in use more than, say 15-20 years ago. Cause marketing is exploitative, especially when it is overdone. It's value is derived from manipulating people through their emotions. Smith & Wesson's pink breast cancer awareness gun, KFC's "buckets for the cure" sales effort and Rite Aid's Go Red for Women campaign (in which Rite Aid claims it cares about heart health in women while continuing to sell cigarettes) are just a few examples of unethical, ridiculous cause marketing. Anne Landman
  • Reply to: Despite New Law, RNC's Latest "Census" Mailer Still Misleads   14 years 5 months ago

    and the RNC violation is so obvious, where is the indictment and arrests? Who is responsible for enforcing the new law and WHAT are they waiting for?

  • Reply to: Despite New Law, RNC's Latest "Census" Mailer Still Misleads   14 years 5 months ago

    Nothing the GOP does could surprised me after the slew of so-called Public Opinion polls I received from several "think tanks" that are obviously rfepublican fronts. The questions were so childishly biased that only an idiot would believe they were really after an intelligent answer. At the end of these "surveys" there were the usual pleas for donations.

  • Reply to: Can Eating Junk Food Cure Breast Cancer?   14 years 5 months ago
    Come on folks - the whole idea of KFC donating money to breast cancer research is even more absurd than Joe Camel donating money for lung cancer. Yes - everyone has a right to choose whatever they eat - but let's face facts: Eating fried dead animal products is simply not going to be healthy for anyone and for a company that sells this junk to people (including women and children) is very sad and disreputable indeed.
  • Reply to: Can Eating Junk Food Cure Breast Cancer?   14 years 5 months ago
    I loved and agree with your post, Anne. Many of us (cancery-type people) are sick of this b.s. I don't know who these companies think they are fooling by selling random product either associated with disease or not. It makes more sense to donate money to a cause than try to appeal to someone to buy product for a dribbling 50 cents. It's insulting AND idiotic!
