Recent comments

  • Reply to: Why Facts No Longer Matter   14 years 5 months ago
    However much anyone dislikes it, there will always be manipulation for the simple reason that some individuals like to have control and others prefer to be led. It was and always will be thus. Their influencing 'tool' is emotion. To use it you need only to determine what people care strongly about and make that the lever in your message. Increased awareness and education does not override the paradigms which are handed to us by family, society and the media. For an example, look at the vast differences in outlook which exist between different ethnic groups who live side by side in a given country.
  • Reply to: H&K's Baby Incubator Story Still Debated   14 years 5 months ago

    did nayeerah lie??? if she did lie who told her too???

    did tax dollars go to support such a lie put before members of congress???

    i remember bush on tv repeating the babies torn from incubators info....did a republican firm (whith members that the bush knew) actually instruct this girl to lie in congress caucus???

    is there really any debate about that???

  • Reply to: Send out the Clown   14 years 5 months ago

    ...just retire him.

    After all, he IS getting pretty old.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: Send out the Clown   14 years 5 months ago

    OK, so I haven't been eight years old in decades, but Ronald is a cultural icon. Forty years ago I picked McDonalds over the poshest restaurant in San Diego - and it was totally Ronald. Today, I say, get over it. Killing Ronald will not solve issues surrounding childhood obesity - getting parents to step up to the plate, setting an example of sensible eating habits, and just plain saying No to junk, that is the ticket.

  • Reply to: "Cloaked" Web Sites Disguise Hidden Propaganda   14 years 5 months ago

    I looked at this site...I wish there had been something like that to help me with tough decisions when I was a teen. Instead I made horrible choices, one of them being an abortion. I am now 53, and believe me those 'choices' never leave you. This site offers hope. They also talked about adoption, and lifestyle, peer pressure, sexual abuse, and cutting! Real issues that these youngsters are dealing with. What is wrong with that? What would you want them to call themselves to attract teens then? How about I think you are wrong in your assessment and just maybe you should take aim at a website called "planned parenthood'. Does that not disguise what they are about ... abortions? I actually think your picking on this site shows your bias, and it is stupid. That is my opinion.
