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  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 3 months ago

    I think the use of different cloured packs in other to make the public believe that a particular brand of cigarette is safer than the other is not acceptable. Cigarettes are harmful and this should not be taken with levity

  • Reply to: Rick Berman's For-Profit Non-Profits Under the Microscope   14 years 3 months ago
    The misuse of 501(c)(3) non-profits If taxpayer subsidized, we deserve disclosure. By Jack E. Lohman The 501(c)(3) non-profit corporate structure works well when contributing money to charities like the Salvation Army, because your contribution comes off the top of your income before you pay taxes. Thus if you are in the 20% tax range and give $100, you are effectively giving $80 and the taxpayers are paying the other $20 (because the government never receives the $20). Unfortunately, it also works well for fat cats like George Soros and Rupert Murdock (and now, Rick Berman) when they want to support their Left- or Right-wing fringe groups. The taxpayers help them in their personal cause, no matter how extreme, and even if it works against the best interests of those same taxpayers. See the complete article at
  • Reply to: Impeach the Oil-Investing Judge Who Declared Deep Sea Drilling Ban Void   14 years 3 months ago
    Just how do people like this end up being in a position to decide the fate of so many? How is it possible that such a ridiculous decision is being made at the same time we are seeing one of the worst environmental catastrophes in decades? Unfortunately, the old body network rolls on protecting the insiders no matter the harm they have caused. You can be sure that he will be amply rewarded in this life for making this decision.<br> What I really would like to know from those patriots out there is this : just what was <b>BP - BRITISH <b/>petroleum doing here to begin with? This is America isn't it? Why are they sucking up our resources dry and how much are the American people getting in return for other wells out there that BP is drilling along our resources? <a href="">patent attorney</a>
  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 3 months ago

    The advertising regulations are so lax. Many people take advertising under far too much authority. Similar to with cigarrettes the same is true in the healthy food industry and how companies are allowed to put out high sugar fattening foods. They then heavily market them as 'low fat' even though they have as much sugar as a can of coke in!

  • Reply to: Obama and Israel Shun the International Community   14 years 3 months ago
    i am appaulled yet to see another idiot defending the flotilla attack. take a look at what the few yet honest israeli academics and former justices have to say about israels actions, not just related to the flotilla but in general israels actions and its peoples psychology . these are renowned israelis condemning their own country for crimes committed. the whole worls is wrong and these handful of 5 million israelis are right. you deadshits will never learn to be humans.
