Recent comments

  • Reply to: Just the Facts on Judge Martin Feldman's Financial Investments   14 years 3 months ago
    Go Lisa! It is not surprising to hear some fool coming to the aid of another public official fattening himself on the backs of the American public. This case is merely the tip of a humongous iceberg of endemic corruption which has become the hallmark of judicial process in this country. And it is simply the reflection of the systemic political immorality facilitated by the so-called two party system of sham government which has destroyed any semblance of democracy in the US. Justice in America is a joke, a very bad joke. This one is just trying to get his piece of the pie. The entire justice department is defunct and the Supreme Court has committed supreme treason with supreme insult. I expect the costs to be supreme as well. I would like to thank the conservatives, the silent majority, the republicans, and the god fearing fools who brought all this about.
  • Reply to: Safeway Tries to Pull a Fake "Farmers Market"   14 years 3 months ago

    A Farmers market is totally fresh produce, straight from the farm the best you will ever get. Supermarkets fruit and vege are about a month old before it hits the shelves, I know which one I choose! so Safeways has put a dent on there reputation from now on in, sounds like they are getting desperate. it must be getting hard out there.

  • Reply to: Safeway Tries to Pull a Fake "Farmers Market"   14 years 3 months ago

    Safeway was certainly trying to use the known term "farmers markets" to their own "weekend market." Seems like they didn't expect her to call them on the term. They must know their target audience really well but missed the hint the farmers and audience were giving them. Maybe if they bought from the farmers, they would have greater success.

  • Reply to: Government Bans Reporters in Gulf   14 years 3 months ago

    The people, not just in the affected areas of this accident, has the right to know what is happening through the media. Since we all share the same ocean. Hopefully we'll be able to think of a good and effective solution for this problem, SOON.

  • Reply to: Government Bans Reporters in Gulf   14 years 3 months ago

    I think this is a smart move by the government--banning reporters from the scene so the crisis is not reminded of to the public everyday. Not just smart, but also cunning.
