Recent comments

  • Reply to: More Action in America from the Network of Billionaires   13 years 11 months ago
    It is hard to believe that this kind of activity goes on in government and yet no one seems to think any illegal activity is going on! Come on people wake up. It is time for an investigation to take place and track down this scheme to its beginning. Time to prosecute everyone involved no matter how long ago, or how small the role. Time to seize the assets of those involved. Not just what they stole, but their entire bankroll, just like they do to pot smokers. It is time that government control be taken out of the hands of politicians and into the hands of the citizenry. It is quite obvious that many of our leaders, current and former, belong in jail, and the sooner the better. Oh and by the way B.D., if you Christians actually practiced what you preach and stop supporting the treacherous conservative party, things wouldn't look so bleak. Do you realize that if your story turns out to be true and arrmageddon arrives, those Christians who have helped to bring it about will likely go to hell!
  • Reply to: James Bopp's Committee for Half-Truths in Politics   13 years 11 months ago
    The republicans ability to get their candidates in office despite what voters do is well recognized. Just look at the Bush regime and it's afterbirth to get a sense of how the election cycle has been thoroughly corrupted. What with Diebold and the electronic voting apparatus fair elections are a thing of the past. So why then have the floodgates of contributions to political non-events been opened up by the criminals of the Supreme Court? It is because of the enormous amounts of money that can be transferred from corporate accounts, or stockholders, to private accounts. Now the stockholders and customers of corporations can be made to pay for all the deals these special interests can make behind closed doors. Massive amounts of public wealth can be skimmed off the top and into the accounts of the privileged. Organized crime never had it so good!
  • Reply to: UnitedHealth's Big Announcement: Just What the Doctor Ordered?   13 years 11 months ago
    The disgusting shameful state of public health care in this country has been a subject of debate for several decades. Being the richest country on this earth is itself reason enough that we the people of this nation should receive what is recognized as the best medical technology available. It should be available to every American who needs medical treatment regardless of social stature. But it is not. Consider the fact that there are more so-called christians in America than anywhere in the world. Given that their God tells them to help their fellow humans in need, and considering that government recognizes it's responsibility to care for the citizenry one has to wonder why the vast majority does not get what the majority wants, and deserves. We support government. We support the church. We support the insurance companies. We support the banks. We support the FCC, the FDA, the oil companies, big pharma, and everybody else. Yet when the bandits who have witheld the healthcare we so desperately need are brought before the public because of the injustice of the out of control healthcare costs bankrupting our nation, the government orders us to purchase a policy from the same thieves who have denied us all along. I don't call that reform I call that revolting. And that is what we must do, all of us who work for a living must stop playing patsy with our leadership and do some revolting because we are taking it on the chin from every direction and the time has come to put an end to it! Stop paying for what we are not getting. Stop paying taxes, stop paying your bills, stop eating at McDonalds, stop watching that damn TV, stop buying gas, stop buying those damn drugs, and stop buying the lies they feed us everyday in the media! The time to get out in the streets and kick some ass has come. We need to identify those greedy businessmen and politicians whose self love is so great that they have marginalized an entire nation, no the entire world. There are men on this earth with more money than you can possibly imagine. Most have gotten it by cheating, stealing, lying. Tomorrow when they wake up all they will want to do is get more money. It has become a sickness more insidious than any drug or other habit. We as a society must realize they are not gods, they are thieves, and must be treated as such!
  • Reply to: How "Breast Cancer Awareness" Campaigns Hurt   13 years 11 months ago
    Given, it IS important to be aware of breast cancer-but it's not the only one. My dad has melanoma, for instance. Why not promote that? Our generation flocks to tanning beds only to (unknowingly) increase their risk. So many people are uninformed of other risks! Thank you for posting this. It's good to know someone else feels the way I do.
  • Reply to: Anonymous Funds and The Founding Fathers   13 years 11 months ago
    There is an exellent book by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Gordon S. Wood, called "Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founders Different". One of the main points of the book is how the founding fathers held the ideal of "dis-interestedness" of utmost importance in a leaders' character. And they lived it. Hamilton and Jefferson, while disagreeing on many issues, respected each other for this quality. No conflicts of interest, no personal agenda. Rather, the wellbeing of the citizens and the nation, being what matters. George Washington showed this quality when he quickly retired after the revolution was won. Then he retired from the presidency, surprising many who thought he should hold the office for life. After being asked, he later reluctantly took on the mantle of military leader again, and then once more retired. He would never have wanted to be perceived as someone seeking power, wealth, fame, recognition, or privileges of office. How things change.
