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  • Reply to: Obama Economic Team Passes Out the Kool-Aid   13 years 11 months ago
    Isn't it becoming increasingly obvious that Obama is a republican in democratic sloganing? The man has done nothing to advance those of us who have been victimized by the financial elite who so desperately want to control the world. He has done nothing to bring to account the horrendously criminal acts of the previous administration. At a time when he enjoyed a majority in the house and senate the few bills they passed did nothing to change the systemic plundering of the poor and working classes by the rich elite. The Bush family had no one it could send to be president so they sent their n----r to continue Georges' policies and to protect him from the prosecution that would surely follow if any one of character were to be elected. Elections? Why is anyone waisting their time any more? It is a fix.
  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   13 years 11 months ago

    The American citizens fund the league of American voters. What a novel idea for you Democommies.

  • Reply to: Obama Economic Team Passes Out the Kool-Aid   13 years 11 months ago
    We need to push President Obama to take the (supposed) $20 billion BP fund and fines and match them for a renewable energy, wind and solar, job creation renewal of the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding states. That can be the nucleus for transforming the nation to healthy wind and solar and get us off of drilling and oil. Although the job creation crisis will take top billing for a lot of reasons, the real crisis is averting total climate tipping point disaster (and it may already be too late - but we have to try). The human caused extinction of much of the planets' non-human life is going extraordinarily "well" as we push the extinction rate to a thousand to ten thousand times the rate a hundred years ago - heading quickly to ecosystem collapse. This is the real crisis affecting the next million years. Biodiverisity loss is easy to see as the white nosed bat fungus (with 90% mortality rate) is due to enter Wisconsin next year - and bee colonies and natural pollinators are in rapid decline all over the world. In the past 35 years, non-human life populations have declined 35%. The United Nations has urged radical and creative immediate action must be taken to address the biodiversity crisis. Humans may think that this economic decline is the biggest problem - but in the scope of earth's existence, it is minor compared to human habit in dealing with the natural world as a killing paradigm. We need to balance our concerns and combine them to create a living paradigm with renewable energy job creation as a first step.
  • Reply to: The Ubiquitous "Too Much Big Government" Theme   13 years 11 months ago
    When reading the article's last paragraph, it seemed clear to me that the advice was not to simply to "ignore the arguement" as you say. Rather, the article stated: "If you don't have time to thoroughly investigate who is making the "big government" argument and why, the safest thing to do is to dismiss it out of hand." Positively no one can thoroughly investigate every souce of information they come in contact with. To be cautious with information one can't investigate seems like good advice to me. Thanks!
  • Reply to: Voter Intimidation in Wisconsin   13 years 11 months ago
    The same things went on in Minnesota, as well as barrages of ridiculously transparent attack ads on people like Jim Oberstar (who lost to a Tea Party type), whose expertise in all matters concerning transportation and transit, his chairmanship of the relevant House committee, and whose EXCELLENT plan for creating both jobs and a transportation system for the 21st century lies neglected in a drawer because the Congress didn't take it up. Maybe there's still time for the lame duck Congress to do it quickly.
