Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Change" President Not Pressing for Change   13 years 11 months ago

    He doesn't need to push American citizens to seek an alternative fuel! The public is way ahead on this issue. Any one who is not blind can see it is big oil that holds back the development of alternate fuels. They could not do it without the help of government which is in their pocket protecting their vast empire!

  • Reply to: Juan Williams' Glaring Double Standard   13 years 11 months ago

    Since the definition of "terrorist" is, "one who spreads terror or fear" I would say that Fox News is a number one terrorist organization. Most news organizations report on the news. The genuis at Fox create the news they report on!

  • Reply to: Juan Williams' Glaring Double Standard   13 years 11 months ago

    Well you sound like an authority on terrorists. Are you an ex-terrorist or still practicing? Who are the terrorists anyway? How many of them wear a three piece suite? How many work for the government or a corporation that has a contract with the government? If you had to rank terrorist organizations, where would you rank the C.I.A? The N.S.A.? The F.B.I. The I.R.S. The Bush administration? The defense department? The terrorist sure did come at an opportune time, didn't they? Ever since the fall of the wall leaving us the sole world power I wondered who the next boogyman would be. This enemy has all the characteristics a guy could want for an enemy that will take forever to defeat or even find. Where did you have your brain washed? They certainly were thorough!

  • Reply to: Special Report on Outrageous Election Spin and Misinformation   13 years 11 months ago
    Let me run it down for you who cannot see because of the media propaganda you willingly subject yourselves to. Elections no longer exist as they were. Todays election is a media event which is very profitable for those in the media, the corporate money launderers, the campaign organizations, the parties, and the candidates, win or lose. It is a show, a really big show whose main purpose is to satisfy the population that a contest took place and it was fair and square. As long as the vote is tabulated by machines owned by a private enterprise who can hide how it works through court sanctioned proprietary laws, the outcome can be manipulated without the least concern of being found out. It is a secret. If the skill of the opponent succeeds in forcing a re-count, the supreme court will put a halt to it. Don't be duped by the mis-direction of the voter fraud debate being a matter of people being challenged at the polls. Keep your eye on target, who controls the voting machines? If they are Diebold they are crooked. See if they are republican owned like the media, who can't be trusted. If the vote can't be independently verified, then what good is it? The media has a very important role in elections. It is to convince the people that republicans actually got enough votes to win an election. The practices and policies of the republican party benefit very few people and to think they could actually trick enough of the people to vote against their own interests is ridiculous! So all this new corporate money is to help the media keep the wool over the eyes of the public and keep the fair election lie alive.
  • Reply to: Voter Intimidation in Wisconsin   13 years 11 months ago
    Perhaps it is we the voters who are lame. Just a few years ago the republican party came to power and overhauled the entire government structure. Of course it favors the rich. They pushed through every single thing they thought of without much resistance from the left. They deregulated everything and gutted consumer protections. They reduced our morality within the global community and re-instated the medieval practice of torture. They nearly destroyed the economy of the free world while investing heavily in a communist future. They tatered the economy of the United States and destroyed the American dream. Now I would like to know where they got the votes to beat good democrats? I will tell you where, no where! If a republican won an election anywhere in these United States it was through voter fraud. You can bank on that, just ask Diebold.
