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  • Reply to: Whopper, Indeed: Republicans More Responsible for Green Outsourcing   13 years 10 months ago
    This article was about the reasons that America has fallen behind in “green” manufacturing. The basic premise is that the countries whose governments have provided the industry with support and incentives have pulled ahead. Nothing in this article supports the Chinese government’s policies on human rights or other issues, but it does recognize that Beijing (and much of Europe) has substantially subsidized its wind power industry. And China has pulled ahead of the U.S. in green manufacturing because of its government-led industrial policy, not by “bringing the real power of private ownership/enterprise, free-markets and competition back into play.” I will agree that “creativity and entrepeneurship . . . create job opportunities . . . when enterprise and ownership develop sufficiently to require helping hands” (paraphrasing from your second paragraph), and that is precisely what happened in America in the 1970s. U.S. entrepreneurs had invented wind turbines, and when the U.S. government recognized that domestically-produced energy served the national interest, provided “helping hands” in the form of subsidies and incentives to promote the nascent wind energy industry. It dropped those subsidies in the 1980s and our industry has since declined. In the U.S., climate change and energy policy would have provided an indirect way for the “free market” to come into play and might have promoted the development of a domestic wind energy industry. Regardless of how you feel about climate change, reducing American carbon emissions would have increased demand for wind energy, which would have compelled manufacturers to build plants near that demand. Even if you don’t buy climate change, domestically-produced renewable energy remains good for both America’s economy and national security, and energy legislation could have promoted wind energy manufacturing within U.S. borders. However, many Republicans refused to move away from our oil-based energy economy, particularly during Bush’s eight years in office. Taking all of this into account, it was particularly disingenuous for Republicans to express shock that incentivizing wind energy farms in 2010 necessitated importing wind turbines from abroad. Finally, the article mentioned “Buy America” provisions not to advocate for protectionist measures, but to point out the irony of Republicans accusing Democrats of sending jobs overseas, but not supporting the provision intended to prevent just that. Let me know if there is anything else to squawk about.
  • Reply to: Former German Chancellor Accuses Bush of Lying in His Memoir, "Decision Points"   13 years 10 months ago

    yeah, yeah, w./cheney lied and leaned on the raw emotions of the public after 9/11.
    then barry the betrayor lied about hope/change after leaning on the raw emotions of the public after eight years of w./cheney. now the lie which is the teaparty is filling the leadership void by default. does truth get a turn in here sometime?

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 10 months ago
    Mr. Potter, Bravo for your enlightened stand. Have the CIGNA gangsters you renounced changed any of their practices since you embarked on your heroic journey? I'm especially concerned now that my company has dropped our previous insurer in favor of CIGNA. I don't know what deal they cut, but the plan my company now offers looks scaled back and my weekly deductions are going up by 50%. If I want to keep the previous insurer, I'll have to go with a more expensive individual plan. Is there anything I can do until any salient provisions in the Affordable Health Care Act go into effect? Thanks and all the best.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: "My Apologies to Michael Moore and the Health Insurance Industry"   13 years 10 months ago
    So, all you folks with your noses in the air? Since Mr. Potter apologized TO MICHAEL MOORE, and Mr. Moore seems to have accepted it graciously, where do you get off NOT ACCEPTING anything? Are you really just loathsome cowards who STILL work for Health Insurance Giants and are jealous of Mr. Potter's recapture of HIS soul, since you sold yours?
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   13 years 10 months ago
    They have canned hunts in North Dakota.
