Democracy on the March in the Badger State: 10 Democrats Vie to Take on Scott Walker
1,300 People Turned Out for Democratic Convention in Hopes That People Power Can Outflank Koch Cash
1,300 People Turned Out for Democratic Convention in Hopes That People Power Can Outflank Koch Cash
Wages Stagnate as Workers' Power Declines
You wouldn't watch your kid gobble up nine teaspoons of sugar a day would you?
Watch out public health advocates - as soda taxes are bubbling up in cities across the nation - the beverage industry is working to choke off this expression of local democracy.
The Roman god Janus was known for having two faces. It is a fitting name for the U.S. Supreme Court case scheduled for oral arguments February 26.
Universal Vouchers for Families of All Incomes on the Arizona Ballot in November 2018.
The long running criminal investigation into whether or not Scott Walker and deep-pocketed dark money groups illegally coordinated the expenditure of some $30 million to win the 2012 recall elections should be old news by now.
A full year in advance of a historic showdown on school vouchers in Arizona, the Kochs are already ladling on the cash. Through their Latino front group, Libre Institute, they have launched a six figure ad campaign targeting Arizona moms on one of the Kochs' favorite topics, school vouchers.
Fake news has been weaponized as never before.
Judges petitioned the state's highest court for new recusal rules, they refused to even have a public hearing. Now citizens are having their own hearings.
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