Surprise! ALEC Scholar Says ALEC Right to Work Will Boost WI Economy
An ALEC "scholar" says that an ALEC right-to-work law will be great for Wisconsin. Economists disagree.
An ALEC "scholar" says that an ALEC right-to-work law will be great for Wisconsin. Economists disagree.
In his opening statement, Sen. Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) claimed that right to work legislation would "protect every worker" from being forced to join a union.
Wisconsin state legislators will meet in an "extraordinary session" today in order to take up so-called "right to work" legislation.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) made headlines last week after Wisconsin Republicans introduced a virtually word-for-word copy of the ALEC "model" Right to Work Act, following on the heels of Michigan and other states that have taken up the ALEC-inspired anti-union measures in recent years.
By Steve Arnold, an alderman from Fitchburg, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Republicans have called a special session to take up a "right to work" measure attacking private sector unions--and the text of the bill is taken word-for-word from American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) model legislation.
ALEC is famous for using "small government" rhetoric to push its corporate-funded privatization agenda in state legislatures across the country. In a hypocritical twist, the corporate bill mill now wants city and county governments to subsidize the conferences of its new local offshoot.
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" didn't mention ALEC's role in pushing Philip Morris' anti-regulatory agenda globally."
Billionaire financier and new Republican Illinois Governor, Bruce Rauner, continued his war on working families this week with a move straight out of the ALEC playbook.
Two suburban Wisconsin lawmakers have unveiled an economic development plan for the lowest-income neighborhoods of Milwaukee, and their "solutions" for the Wisconsin communities hit hardest by deindustrialization come directly from a national right-wing playbook.
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