GOP Strips Rep. King of Posts, but ALEC Keeps White Supremacist State Chair
Washington State Rep. Matt Shea keeps his leadership post in ALEC despite circulating a white nationalist manifesto calling for a violent Christian holy war.
Washington State Rep. Matt Shea keeps his leadership post in ALEC despite circulating a white nationalist manifesto calling for a violent Christian holy war.
Unconstitutional voter restrictions, lower wages, less health care, donor secrecy, and union-busting add up to an agenda only the Koch brothers would love.
AT&T joins Verizon in rush to the exit after ALEC featured a far-right speaker at its annual meeting.
ALEC state legislators, lobbyists, and Koch operatives return to Washington, D.C. today for ALEC's States & Nation Policy Summit to promote an agenda only fossil fuel companies could love.
Dubbed the Kochs' "Secret Bank," Freedom Partners corrals donations from millionaires and billionaires to fund the Koch political operation.
Will the American Legislative Exchange Council repudiate Rep. Shea's violent views and demand his resignation as the corporate lobby group's Washington state leader?
Concerned Veterans for America has spent millions in support of Republicans in close races that will be decided on Tuesday.
Wisconsin AG Brad Schimel and Gov. Scott Walker had state weigh in on a California legal battle to hide donors to group tied to their biggest political patrons.
Controversial union-busting operation sends letter praising U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir's stand against "forced unionism," but reports no spending in the race.
The media is focusing on four missing footnotes, while overlooking Walker's history of promoting and signing plagiarized legislation.
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