Betsy DeVos Ethics Report Reveals Ties to Student Debt Collection Firm
Hundreds of complaints filed against Performant Financial Co. with the Better Business Bureau.
Hundreds of complaints filed against Performant Financial Co. with the Better Business Bureau.
To accompany "AltRight" Team trump trots out "AltFacts"
The Koch Brothers are expanding their power in Washington, D.C. via Marc Short, Trump's Legislative Director.
If Betsy DeVos does unto U.S. as she did unto Michigan, our schools are in big trouble.
As the U.S. Senate takes up the nomination of Scott Pruitt today, CMD provides the essential bio.
Trump is appointing privatizers and profiteers to important posts within the federal government.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump's choice to head the EPA, coordinated an effort by Republican state attorneys general to oppose the confirmation of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.
Local democracy will be on trial in Florida Tuesday. The trial is a test of the state's "super preemption" law.
"We can pretty much do whatever we want now!" crowed GOP Kentucky Rep. Jim DeCesare behind closed doors.
An insider explains some of the industry bills on the docket at ALEC's last meeting.
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