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  • Reply to: Wal-Mart Works On Image In Big Apple   19 years 1 month ago
    Note that Wal-Mart are already targeting communities these days : they teamed up with Venezuela's giant Cisnero group in order to launch Movida Communications, a mobile virtual network operator designed for the hispanic communities. Big bucks are already planned for ads and Cisnero could also help for the PR. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Stephane MOT - ______________________________________________________________________________________
  • Reply to: Terror War Gets New Slogan   19 years 1 month ago
    That's OK : I prefer the seat of the dummy to that of Rummy. G-SAVE ? Sounds like a Google back-up service... with as many zeroes as in a budget deficit. Anyway, the Prez didn't save his saliva in a speech mentioning 5 times "War on terror" plus 13 times the word "war" on its own*. The show must go on even as the Titanic is sinking. The beauty of BC04 Amerika is that even a Rumsfeld can pass for a dove these days. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Stephane "crash-test-dummy" MOT - ______________________________________________________________________________________ * That's in today's NYT ("President Makes It Clear: Phrase Is 'War on Terror'") :
  • Reply to: Return of the Payola Pundit   19 years 1 month ago
    For another take on this story, go to It includes extensive background on the Williams story, and links to two previous articles about the Williams payola scandal. One question, by the way, that remains unanswered -- Did Williams return the money?
  • Reply to: Confronting the Culture   19 years 1 month ago
    We need well resourced Independent News Organizations. One I like is COA News - and check out the Free News Alerts
  • Reply to: Lawmakers Get To K Street Via Capitol Hill   19 years 1 month ago
    I did a research paper that touched on this subject and found Jonathan Rauch's book, "Demosclerosis," a great source of info. In Rauch's book which was published in 1994, it was said that 40% of Congressmen had become professional lobbyists upon leaving public office. If that number has only risen to 43% today, then the trend is not increasing at an alarming rate, but is still something that needs to be carefully watched. As with any position of power, the tendency to abuse the privilege becomes greater when people believe that no one is watching. If anyone out there has any suggestions for other books, publications, or other sources of further information regarding this phenomenon, please post it or email me as I am very interested in this topic. Thank you.
