Recent comments

  • Reply to: Government TV   15 years 4 months ago

    "...But who polices you? Who do you answer to when you publish rubish?"

    It could be you. Pledge them a few bucks per month, then threaten to cut it off if they publish something you don't like.

    More seriously, how much potential to do harm do you think a small outfit like CMD actually has, should they get something wrong, compared with that of the powerful interests and institutions they report on?

  • Reply to: Beyond MoveOn: Using the Internet for Real Change   15 years 4 months ago
    I appreciate your article. It is my opinion that there is a shift in the collective consciousness of mankind towards peace. However, it is most important that each of us use our thoughts and words to produce a peaceful manifestation of a deed. It could simply begin with how we communicate with one another in these comment "reply boxes". If we cannot be gentle and kind to each other then where does peace begin?
  • Reply to: Government TV   15 years 4 months ago

    I've read this blog for a while now, and sometimes there are interesting things, but sometimes there is just absolute rubbish.

    The danger for you guys is you have set yourselves up as the policemen and the crusaders of the media, but who polices you? Who do you answer to when you publish rubbish?

  • Reply to: Good Money for Goodwin   15 years 4 months ago

    See also

  • Reply to: Bristol-Myers' "Celebrity Patient" Goes off Script   15 years 4 months ago

    How could a drug company like Bristol Myers Squibb knowingly do this? What else are they hiding about Abilirfy? I'm glad that Behrman was courageous enough to blow the whistle on these guys and I hope that more people come out and do the same.
