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  • Reply to: Did Sister Ruth Neglect to Reflect on McDonald’s?   15 years 2 months ago
    MacDonalds aren't gettting any of my tomatoes.
  • Reply to: The Ultimate Irony: Health Care Industry Adopts Big Tobacco's PR Tactics   15 years 2 months ago
    Sheldon - You're the one bringing doctors, nurses, etc into it. I don't see anyone else doing that. My guess is that you want (for whatever reason) to shift the debate from being about the insurance industry (which everyone tends to hate) to being about doctors and nurses (which everyone tends to like). Let's keep the focus on the insurance industry as the topic. My suspicion is that health care workers (ie. people actually treating us) are as much the victim as patients. Wendel - Thanks for speaking out. I especially love hearing about the dirty tricks and tactics the PR industry uses when a client gets desperate. I'd love more information about how to spot these tactics - so, as US citizens, we can be more conscious and informed participants in the debate.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    I could not agree with you more about God Bless America which is abused with politicians alike. Just what does it mean? Never could figure that out. Personally if you think what is happening to American is a God blessing us. I would beg to disagree. I too am not a sheep and fall for the stupid saying. Maybe if we created a heaven on earth then Jesus would appear. So far the ideas we have expound had not worked.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    Since when is expanding, rethinking, or innovating "a thing" a crime? I applaud Mr. Potter for making the move he did. I have, what I believe to be, excellent medical coverage - ironically through CIGNA. But that doesn't mean I don't think it could be better. Much better. Don't you think it's the job of good government, big or small, to at least investigate to needs of those who do not have medical care? Imagine if we only "covered" part of country with defense? "Sorry Florida, or Alaksa, or Texas it's just too complicated to provide your part of the country with military defense. Too expensive. Covering you would make government too big. Give it too much power." Too big for what? Too complicated for who? Our priorities are jacked up. Take for instance the recent government bailout of GM. Do you think if a company like GM could have off-loaded health care costs they would have needed a bailout? Apply this to any company and the benefits from a Wall Street perspective would out weigh the costs. Go Wendell Go!!!!
  • Reply to: The Ultimate Irony: Health Care Industry Adopts Big Tobacco's PR Tactics   15 years 2 months ago
    I wanted to thank you for your interview with Bill Moyers, letting us know what we are up against if Healthcare Reform is going to take place. I was one of those that didn't bother to see Sicko because of the negative publicity. Now, I know that Michael Moore hit the nail on the head based on what you told Bill Moyers and will be renting it right away. Thanks again for all the work you are doing. I'm glad you became motivated to make a difference.
