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  • Reply to: An Open Letter to Nancy-Ann DeParle   15 years 1 month ago
    good evening from south of seattle -- can we have 2 healthcare legislations? one to reign in the MEDICAL INSURANCE INDUSTRY -- and HR 676 to displace the CORPORATE from the COMMONS -- and provide instant and proper compensation to any and all -- currently certified to provide PRIMARY HEALTH CARE -- by offering education/housing vouchers for all ready and willing -- to break a lilnk in the CHAIN OF SUFFERING -- caused by the MEDICAL INSURANCE INDUSTRY -- the US MEDICAL vs the US MILITARY -- recruiting benefits for US MEDICAL compete with the US MILITARY -- thank-you for your consideration -- GRATEFULLY EVERYTHING CHANGES -- so many options --
  • Reply to: Big Insurance, Big Tobacco and You   15 years 1 month ago
    Anne Landman is so right on with this story. The deception campaign used by Big Insurance and its GOP-proxy looks so much like that of Big Tobacco because it's the same deception industry and players created by the marriage with the Republican Party in 1994 That year, Big Tobacco bought the GOP's political and regulatory protection in exchange for financially guaranteeing the takeover of the House and Senate in the Republican Revolution. The longterm marriage of the GOP and the tobacco industry are obvious in the racketeers' campaign finance charts and clearly reflected in the voting records of many top GOP legislators for 15 years. <img src=""> We've documented arrangements made by Haley Barbour, Bob Dole, and Newt Gingrich in the record of memos we reported in the first story of a series, "<a href="">Tobaccoup Road</a>." I'd invite you to take a look because the relationship between the Tobacco Racketeers and the GOP answers a large part of the question, "What went wrong over the last two decades?" Big Insurance is playing the same game, apparently.
  • Reply to: Big Insurance, Big Tobacco and You   15 years 1 month ago
    It's like federal control over highway system, medicare, and national forest. What's to be scared of? At least, it's under public eyes. Private health care system is private. They have the right to dictate and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone that's not a profit. Greed is everywhere. Not in my health care, please. BTW, I have been in good health and paying health care. Their fee grows annually like a black-hole. Can't trust health care with private sector.
  • Reply to: Big Insurance, Big Tobacco and You   15 years 1 month ago
    Highway is for public use. If we trust next door neighbor with it, sooner or later, that public highway will turn into tollway for all and with a cost that's going to shake every penny out of our every pocket. There is really no place for a for-profit or fake-non-profit to be in our health care system. All non-public-owned organization should leave the place before we all sink 50% of our annual income which is matter of how much they can squeeze out of. Current health care system is a "totally for-profit market" - a market where general public is meat on their dinner table. When Wall Street lobbied, they were allowed to gamble big. That proved to be hurting all while they are still in their somewhere upstate mansions tonight sipping something good we could not even imagine. Could someone provide a list of those riches in health care system? We'll see if we really like them to dictate our heath.
  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 1 month ago
    The GW skeptics are almost entirely conservatives. Given that historically conservatives have always been on the wrong side of iany ssue starting with the American Revolution and followed by slavery, unions, women's right to vote, child labor, evolution, social securty, civil rights and envionmental regulation - why would anyone think they got it right this time? In the end, the next generation of conservatives always has to disavow the "old" views. It is inherent in their nature not to let rational thought interfere with their black box world.
