Recent comments

  • Reply to: Merck Funds Friends, Gets Benefits   15 years 1 month ago

    No wonder there is so much mistrust of doctors, the AMA, and Big Pharma these days. They'll keep pushing for profitability until the public reaches the snapping point and it won't be pretty. The Obama healthcare plan in its full leftist form will look like a sweet deal to the Medical-Industrail complex when the public pushback comes....

  • Reply to: Is Obama Planning to Sign Congress' Health Care Reform Bill with Lipstick?   15 years 1 month ago
    Oh right, forgot about the pig. I thought you meant because he was giving us the kissoff!
  • Reply to: Guernica's Interview with CMD's Wendell Potter   15 years 1 month ago
    I'm just a private citizen which means I have less than zero influence, and even less access to the political process but I just read the transcript of his interview with Bill Moyers and I would personally like to take a tape of this interview all around the country, get people to come to a barbeque or something and make them watch it.
  • Reply to: Beyond MoveOn: Using the Internet for Real Change   15 years 1 month ago
    While I agree with your comments to a certain degree, the internet still doesn't reach all people for varying reasons for example, some people just don't have connectivity. Back in 2007 when Australia had its federal election the now Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had used these internet social networking sites like facebook and also had regular short movie clips on youtube to get his message out there to the people. For this reason Kevin Rudd was perceived to be the more hip or cool dude to the younger voting population 18-25 age range. As a result he won the election and I’m sure the internet played a large part of that win.
  • Reply to: Cash-Roots, Manufactured Anger, and Hot Air over Health Care   15 years 1 month ago
    You don't know what it means to be underfunded or ineffiecient, because your 'proposal' shows no identifiable way of overcoming either problem. Also, look at your fifth point... come on - do you not see a contradiction here? First you say your against turning it over to that wretched, incompetent government, yet you want to expand current programs? A program which is underfunded is not a euphemism for being inefficient - it simply means the program is underfunded. The US government has A LOT to account for - nevermind healthcare - like for instance, a war that is still going on in case you've forgotten. You'll have to enlighten me on how the government is 'one of the most inefficient organizations'. I don't see how or why the private sector is run any better (in fact big businesses use this 'inefficient organization' to lobby for policies they want - makes you think where some problems can occur). If you've paid any attention to what has happened in the past two years, today included with the insurance industries, you can hardly blame the goverment (again, deregulation has been lobbied for by private power for the last 30 years) - in fact its the government that has to clean up every mess the private sector gets itself into (see Goldman Sachs). I think the military and their industrial complex is far more superior than anything the private sector is capable of - the fact that you are reading this is such evidence, as we owe the creation of the internet to 'one of the most inefficient organizations'. I receive my mail everyday except for Sunday - I have no qualms about that - do you not receive it six days a week? If you do, what is so inefficient about that? How would it be even more efficient if, say, it was run by FedEx? Whether its the post office, medicare (surveys indicate those in the program like it, by the way, I doubt you are even eligible), the police department, fire department, sanitation, park districts... I don't see evidence of 'one of the most inefficient organization', rather, when I think about your claim, I see more evidence of someone who doesn't know what they're talking about, but think they do.
