Recent comments

  • Reply to: Needed: A Size Cap on Big Banks   14 years 9 months ago
    Cap size will not change nothing.. The problem starts with the Federal Reserve Bank which coordinates monetary policy in accordance to pressure from money center banks. Breaking the money center banks into smaller entities will not change the politics/lobbying strength of the financial sector as a whole. The same interests which have benefited from the crack cocaine of "printing money" would reorganize and create "new financial products" which are in reality no different than the same scams from the Roaring 20's Changing FED would!.. For starters the fed should be subject to Transparent Audits. The whole concept of fractional reserve banking should be challenged. A greenback system would be far superior.
  • Reply to: Climate Talks Turn Radioactive   14 years 9 months ago
    "The issue of whether to allow carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects into the CDM is still open, while nuclear power will probably be kept out."

  • Reply to: Murdoch Marches the Wall Street Journal to the Right   14 years 9 months ago

    Anything Ruport Murdock gets his hands on goes to the extreme right - is this really news?
    Therefore, the WSJ has lost all of its integrity and should no longer be considered a viable resource on the worlds financial news. If I were a staff member there, I would walk off the job just to keep my dignity.

  • Reply to: The Insurance Industry's Lethal Bottom Line -- and a Solution From Sens. Franken and Rockefeller   14 years 9 months ago
    I think you've gone a long way toward redemption from the work you did against the public interest as PR exec for CIGNA. It is remarkable how, even with a public who are much more educated about this issue than they were in the past, and even with films like Michael Moore's Sicko, and even with an ex-insider such as yourself testifying to congress just how corrupt and murderous the system has become, the forces of greed and corruption still hold sway over our political process. I fear that, unless all political campaigns are publicly funded, we will continue to rush headlong into corporate serfdom. Thanks for the work you've done this year. For what it's worth, I can't think of what else you COULD have done... the end result was predetermined. By the way, I would say that your assertion that Obama was outwitted by the industry is not really accurate; he has been shilling for PhRMA & AHIP from the moment he was inaugurated. Glenn Greenwald's perceptive Dec. 16 <a href="">article</a> at Salon illustrates the true White House stance toward the "stakeholders" (campaigndonors):
  • Reply to: Lessons Learned From Tobacco Control Should be Applied to Climate Policy   14 years 9 months ago
    Hi Anne, 1. I would like you to email me. 2. I joined FFRF right after it first started and I am also a member of American Atheists, Atheists United and the Military Assoc. of Atheists and Freethinkers 3. I went to jr, high, high school and went to Mesa. (I was a life guard in GJ for several years as well) Thanks! Neil P.S. Anyone who says there is NO Global Warming would not know what a fact is were it a very sharp pointed cactus they sat on while naked.
