Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   14 years 7 months ago

    The whole business should be illegal.

  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    It's really interesting how accusations are made against HSUS, but no credible sources are cited, whatsoever. None. Notta. That's how it started. When substantiation was requested, the New McCarthyists - for that's what they are - tried a new tactic: instead of citing and answering people's questions about why the New McCarthyists cry about "being tricked" and "deceived" by HSUS, they attacked anyone and everyone who challenged them, asking innane questions, such as "Did you ever kill any animals for HSUS" or PETA or some other organization as if other people now had supposedly injured them. All of these circular "answer a question with a completely implausible accusation aimed at the questioner and accuse them of wrong-doing" merely serves to take over a thread via spamming, and engage in McCarthy-styled circular "reasoning." It's a witchhunt. And why all this sudden flurry of activity to attack organizations who work to stop animal cruelty and bully the people who support them? CCF and its little offshoots and buddy clubs must be getting pretty desperate to maintain their stranglehold on advertising to the public in an attempt to continue inhumane practices against animals designated as "food" for their personal profit. The public is apparently sitting up and taking notice and more people are demanding standards and answers with regard to how animals are treated, and look what happens? The corporate profiteers with no one's "good" in mind except for their own bottom line launches a McCarthy-styled witchhunt campaign out of sheer desperation claiming they are "watching out for the public's interests." Does CCF et al actually hope that the public trusts any corporation to have the public's interests at heart? How delusional are they? Corporate greed, mismanagement and chicanery has been exposed lately to an astounding degree, and CCF is nervous they won't be able to continue to lie and mislead with impugnity the public via slick advertising of their "products" to allow them carte blanche permission to do anything they want to animals AND profit at the expense and misery of these animals. HSUS is exposing CCF "supporters" and "donors." Must be might uncomfortable for them to see their sales dropping because of their abominable practices. Guess they were searched for someone to blame for their own bad karma hitting them, so they decided to attack the good guy (HSUS). So, here's CCF et al trying to launch a McCarthy-styled witchhunt, trying to present itself as the public's friend. And in so doing, cementing the fact that they profit from animal cruelty - they just don't want to remind anyone about that little fact.
  • Reply to: WellPoint's Heart-Stopping Rate Increase   14 years 7 months ago
    So, why is it that Obama is now looking at regulation of the rates they can charge and NOT at a public option? I work full time, have insurance, and I would STILL choose a public option if it were available.
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 7 months ago
    Ah, yes, trolls. There are certain subjects, that will draw trolls to an article like flies. Anything against Microsoft or Rick Berman, or anything pro-Linux or pro-consumer brings them out. Good work Anne, if you are attracting trolls, you are doing the right thing.
  • Reply to: Citibank Sticks It to Customers -- and Congress   14 years 7 months ago

    I received the same letter a few days ago and just got off the phone. I canceled my AT&T Universal card which I held since 1992. I have a low interest special offer balance which will be repaid this year. I won’t do business with a company that has no ethics! I was planning to use this card after the balance was paid. I guess that on time payments and living up to my end of the agreement for the offer that THEY! marketed isn’t good enough and will deprive an executive of a portion of his bonus so that he won’t be able to get a larger yacht! At this point I won’t put up with any of this bad behavior. Go to your room Citibank and think about all the good customers that trusted you to do the right thing…
    Shame on you!
