Recent comments

  • Reply to: Journalists Debate on Reporting Ethics   14 years 3 months ago

    As an American I believe we, as a people, need to use our power in a democracy and VOTE, mainly for people who don not want to take from the federal treasury. We all want peace but peace does not necessarily mean take a piece out of the treasury. What is America coming to now?

  • Reply to: Safeway Tries to Pull a Fake "Farmers Market"   14 years 3 months ago

    I cannot believe what Safeway was trying to pull off. As a business owner myself I firmly believe that being honest with your customers will earn you a lot more in the long run compares to these type of ridiculous marketing tactics.

  • Reply to: "Change" President Not Pressing for Change   14 years 3 months ago

    Politicians are just that. I wonder if we often hold the imaginary hope that institution can produce anything other than what it proves to produce time and again. Such a volume of people and interests to speak to.

  • Reply to: A New Twist on Cigarette Lawsuits   14 years 3 months ago

    "What ever happened to being held accountable for our own actions and decisions?"

    It got co-opted and it's doing PR for Big Tobacco, that's what happened to it.

    Feeling accountability and being mindful of future consequences are traits of emotionally mature individuals. That's why the tobacco companies direct most of their marketing efforts at hooking kids who, if they're still too young to buy tobacco legally, want to be cool and can't wait to start smoking when they're "old enough." And many is the older person who got hooked young, finally grew up enough to realize the harm, then spent the rest of his/her life trying unsuccessfully to quit. If you succeeded you should probably thank your luck more than your willpower.

    So the individual bears all the responsibility, and the tobacco companies bear none after relentlessly pushing addictive poison to millions, generation after generation -- these "corporate persons" that want all the legal recognitions of "personhood" but none of the responsibilities and liabilities of a natural person for the huge social harm they do? All they care about is hooking the next generation of kids so they'll keep coughing up their money as long as they can keep on coughing up sputum.

    Choosing to smoke is a choice, quitting if you can is a choice. Helping enable Big Tobacco in its choice to keep hooking each new generation is a choice, too.

  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 3 months ago

    These shoes hurt my feet I am in construction and wear work boots . They don't hurt my feet too much but when I get home I put on sneakers. I tried these for a while walking to the store at night. They fit good and they make my arches hurt? I will wear them because I paid for them but not liking them.
